maintenance and have a long life.
When you go for a washing machine, do consider the point that how many times in a week you will wash your clothes. This will decide the electricity and water consumption and so your electricity and water bills. Often top loaded washing machines, though good in looks, consume more power and water. So, if you cannot afford higher water and electricity bills, avoid buying the top loaded machines.
Considering all the above suggestions, buy a washing machine of your choice. If you do not have much time to take out from your hectic schedule, you can buy a washing machine from a online shopping store like Home Shop 18, where these can be bought not only at low prices but also can be delivered at your doorstep. Just log on to any of the online shopping websites and buy the best deal online!
Author Suggest to you Purchase best n latest home appliances like washing machines, air conditioners and water coolers from homeshop18 in India.
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