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Angel water to your bath. This will add romance and excitement to your lives. Also add Angel water to your laundry as a last rinse. Use these for special occasions.

Full Moon water spell

This is a simple method for drawing down the moon and using the moon charged water to enhance your psychic abilities

Get a large glass or crystal bowl. Fill it with spring water. Place it outside on a Full Moon night. In the morning, bring the bowl in and transfer the water into a clean, unused bottle. Refrigerate to preserve the contents.

Every morning, after a bath, apply some of this moon charged water with your fingers to the nape of your neck and to the third eye area. Repeat for nine consecutive days for optimum benefit.

Spirit summoning water spell

Add one tablespoon of anisette to a glass of spring water to makes spirit water.

Just before you go to sleep, place a glass of spirit water by your bedside as an offering for an ancestor you wish to see. Also drink a small glass of anisette or sambuca before settling down to sleep.

As soon as you awake, throw away the water that you had offered your ancestor.

Repeat the spell if necessary.

Water scrying spells

Fill a shallow pan with water. After the water has settled, add a few drops of oil to it. Watch the patterns that the oil makes. It may form shimmery designs or a rainbow.

Ask questions for which you know the Yes/No answers such as (Is today Tuesday?) etc. Learn the way in which the oil/water combination gives you clues as to what the answers are.

Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about water spells here:

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