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incredible fear of facing anything other than the indoctrination of their religions?

As you are aware by now, my series on interfaith religious holidays is all about digging for the truth. When I did the research on Christmas, I discovered some fascinating roots for the whole tradition of Christmas and other similar religious festivals that take place around this time of the year.

My conclusion is that people just love to celebrate the Love that they believe in. It does not matter that our beliefs differ. This need to celebrate something is reflected in both the well-known and the more obscure religious holidays.

It is interesting that most seasonally bound religious holidays have a different meaning in the different hemispheres, but there is a similar theme that is celebrated on or around 25th December, no matter where you are in the world. Whether you celebrate the heathen Saturnalia, or the Christian Christmas, or the Hindu Pancha Ganapati, or the Jewish Hanukkah, or the Wicca Yule, the theme is a dawning of a new light and renewal. In the Northern hemisphere the days become longer and that brings new life and hope for the future. In the Southern hemisphere it is probably a more spiritual new dawning. Either way, the old and discarded makes way for the new, and hope rises in the hearts of all people.

For me, “happy holidays” is not a bland wish. I like the energy that rises during this time of the year, whether it is spiritual or commercial. We all feel different and we are all affected by the rising energy. Our choice is to be affected with joy or with irritation. I choose joy and Love. After all, what you say, becomes. So, when I say “happy holidays”, I truly wish you a series of happy holidays,

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