This is a portion of one of the songs from the Unity Ritual
Video shot in San Francisco on Halloween night 2008 featuring a public Samhain ritual venerating the deceased ancestors and marking the end of the summer and the harvest season. An unusual light became manifest as the ritual began.
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@Waelwulfas Its not a American religion. Its called Druidism, its the religion of the ancient Celtic peoples.
what american religion is this?
I think it’s Ian’s drum but I’m not sure on the type. He’s standing to the left of the woman behind the tree.
Beautiful song – what drum are they playing it with? I have a bodhran.
i can see myself in the back round at one point
Ye, he’s in the blue/white design toga
Did i See Skip Ellison in there Someplace
It’s called “Portal Song” — Words and music by Ian Corrigan © Stonecreed Grove, ADF.
I think it’s called “come ye now to the well” but I’m not sure…that was the first time I’d heard it.
whats the song called
@Orishanla I agree, but I’m not so good at tolerating intolerance or ignorance, even if it’s not meant in a cruel way. We all have personality flaws, I suppose.
@Sickofu100 Thanks for the advise. I try to respond to everyone because entering into dialogue and exchanging views is the best way to spread information and to educate each other. Wouldn’t you agree? Thanks again.
@Orishanla Don’t listen to that guy or lady. Celebrate what ever way you see fit. Life is to short to listen to some one else tell you want to live, how to think, what to believeve, and how to celebrate. There is NO such thing as should or should not. Thirdpositionist made an attempt at control, pure and simple. Never let anyone define what is and isn’t.
@thirdpositionist: Not that I know much about Wiccans, but all religions evolve and perhaps there are ways in which we can find and honor the universal through our ancestors. I think honoring our ancestors is a beautiful tradition – I honor them through my own Zen Buddhist practice. It is also found in Yoruba and its offshoots, Lucumi and Santeria. The bloodline is important in the Jewish tradition as well as others. Thanks for your comment.
@Orishanla It’s for folkish people to celebrate their OWN ancestors, like Shintoists do. Wiccans cannot do this because they’re universalists. Wiccans should disown samhain because they hate what it stands for.
@Orishanla It is a time to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on, and it often involves paying respect to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets and other loved ones who have died. In some rituals the spirits of the departed are invited to attend the festivities. It is seen as a festival of darkness, which is balanced at the opposite point of the wheel by the spring festival of Beltane, which Wiccans celebrate as a festival of light and fertility.
@jessbritt121 Samhain is one of the eight annual festivals, often referred to as ‘Sabbats’, observed as part of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. It is considered by most Wiccans to be the most important of the four ‘greater Sabbats’. It is generally observed on October 31 in the Northern Hemisphere, starting at sundown.
what is samhian
Yeah, it sounds and looks like a good time with good weather for Halloween. I sure could use a break from the winter.
fantastic…i wish i could be there!
Thats so good it can be held in the open.
i like Samhain. its important now that we know its more than just a bag of candy!
A Wiccan pair, actually, with my friend Rosemerri. My friend Arwyn was thinking about joining, though…
Have fun~! Are you in a coven or solitary?
Same here!! I’m really excited!!