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The 4th dimension and beyond! A discussion of both the physical and metaphysical dimensions and seperation of real and imaginary terms. The Laws of Physics themselves were not decided by anyone, they were discovered through experiment and calculation. These mathematical formulae describe the relations between various elements of our physical universe. How space is related to time, how mass is related to energy, how force is related to mass and acceleration. and the laws of physics aren’t like some laws that a judge decides in a court room (created by the rich to govern the poor) People break those laws all the time, the stupid ones get caught and go to jail. The LAWS of physics cannot be broken, assuming we have a correct theory. When we do find a law violation it means we need a new theory. But there are certain laws that have been tested over and over for hundreds of years and have never broken. These are called Universal Laws. These laws derive directly from the mathematics of the universe itself, down to the fundamental creation of mathematics itself. This is the Holy Grail of Physics, a Grand Unified Theory. A Theory of EVERYTHING. So far we have string theory (which is totally incomplete), and the Big Bang Theory… We still don’t know what these strings are actually made of, and we don’t know what created the Big Bang. All we know is that at the beginning of time there was nothing and somehow everything was created from nothing. Then we have mathematics which tell
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to What are Dimensions?

  • sankoboy says:

    To calculate objects in the world, there are systems such as distance, weight,? mass ect. And to calculate a 3D object you need a grid, just like the 3rd line you added to the “so called 2D line.” This grid is vital and cannot have any lines missing, if so, it will loose its formula as a whole and no longer map in 3D. Just because you take off a line, doesn’t mean theres a whole different world out there. It just means you are mapping in 2D, such as looking at a map of a city. Calm down people

  • TheCenterOfDisease says:

    [continued] I have made various predictions on Earth & in the cosmos, I use angleism & most likely evolution quantification. The square root can be taken away from a negative, the amount that we take from our side on the other side of that spectrum the amount added or subtracted from can be a phenomenal difference.

    Chaos is another link to another chain entirely, Eternity is a far greater & evolving area of research. Processing at some point ceases & Lucidityism is the cross over point.+++

  • TheCenterOfDisease says:

    yes in radically limited circumstances the understandings & realisticness of dimensions =’s expectancy of either hysteria & or selective in understandings of words itself. Fractals is the highest form of math, however Nexus Fractals is far higher in rankings =’ing math that is illogically possible to solve nor logic to try & solve.

    What’s around us is not acknowledgeable, that is why most just go with this around us, because they aren’t impressed visually nor fulfillingly. [Continued]

  • branchingvine says:

    @sankoboy Hit the average person in the head with a metal bat and they will experience the intense pain and possibly sudden loss of consciousness that arises from the blow. The loss of consciousness then makes the bat, the pain and the experience disappear! Proving that the experience is only real to the observer so long as they are conscious and observing!!! LOL

  • sankoboy says:

    How can you defy dimensions by a piece of line? its just a freakin line! jeez there is no 2d world, that called fucking TV whoa! add another line across it and its 3D! hey thats us!…we just live in this life people…this life is very solid and real, here let me hit you with a metal bat to the head to prove it.

  • batcountry44 says:

    Very helpful.


  • dtailsnake1 says:

    these are your beliefs and again, people think different . You actually want people to believe you. Not what they believe in? Quit making videos like this lol

  • onijester56 says:

    Also, ‘natural chemical selection’ combines stable compounds and components that may or may not have a function alone (such as protiens), but may react with other compounds (such as Nucleic acids) to have some result (such as produce protiens).

    “but if something mutates it going to prolly gonna? be killed was more easy” Purely false. Frameshifts may result in optional photosynthetic or aerobic pathways. Duplication can allow changes without harm. FYI: MOST MUTATIONS HAVE NO EFFECT.

  • onijester56 says:

    “the first life was created by random things sticking together to form the first organism”The reactions aren’t truly “random”. There is no intent directing the reactions, but the processes obey chemical and physical laws, utilizing availble energy and matter in the most stable and energetically-favorable way in the face of entropy.

    The steps of chemical combinations that are hypothesized to lead to life aren’t that complex and most are either easily created or easily observed.

  • onijester56 says:

    @Slydemcgee “earth was a barren rock planet” A molten iron core, encrusted predominately in mineral deposits held by the gravitational force of the core, most of the crust being under leagues of water both held by gravity and “filling the holes” between different ‘landmasses’ that itself surrounded from above by reactive mixture of gaseous, vaporic, and liquid compounds. You need a lesson on planet formation.


  • miniontemple says:

    @Lynllie Leave your bullshit beliefs at a religious video, not here.

  • Lynllie says:


  • Slydemcgee says:

    @phantomspellchecker and yes that is how they say we formed here, earth was a barren rock planet, and then rain came that made the ocean. and then in that barren ocean, the first life was created by random things sticking together to form the first organism, and all life after came that.. they also say that natural selection and mutations formed all the different species, but if something mutates it going to prolly gonna be killed was more easy, much less be able to breed:)

  • Slydemcgee says:

    @Slydemcgee you dont have a clue about. and yes lots of people have seen aliens you if are ignorant on all the facts then you are a moron and need to read and way more, even lotss our own NAsa Astrronauts have come forward and said that aliens are very real, they are here and that the Governsment is working with them and described the beings. and also now there is over 20 countrys who opened all the secret files to the public. and in it pictures of aliens and what they said to

  • phantomspellchecker says:

    @Slydemcgee 1. Evolution doesn’t say we came from rocks. Don’t debate topics you don’t know anything about.
    2. No one has ever seen an alien. So there is no way to know they look “99% like us.”

  • Slydemcgee says:

    @phantomspellchecker well if you think that nonliving matter can form all liveing objects, like there bingbang bs. you are welcome to think that, but is no proof who made us, both are belief systems. . and all the differnt groups all say they were made by God, just like us. if random mutations made us from a rock millions of years ago then every being in the unverse would bee sooo dam differnt, and wouldnt look any thing like we do on earth, and instead they look look 99 percent like us

  • phantomspellchecker says:

    @Slydemcgee “That is why the governments push evolution” no, the gov. doesn’t PUSH evolution. It pushing SCIENCE. SCIENCE should be taught in SCIENCE class. Also, the gov. doesn’t DENY aliens, if they did, they wouldn’t fund SETI. Evolution is a true as gravity. Go educate yourself on biology and geology, until then I refuse to discuss the subject with you further. Even if god did create us, it was through natural selection over many millions of years. My question is still valid and unanswered.

  • Slydemcgee says:

    @phantomspellchecker that is why the governments push evolution and keep saying there no such things as aliens. evolution is a big ass lie, we were made by God and so were all the different types of aliens from the Reptilians to the ones who look just like us.

  • zazus says:

    scalar waves mentioned…

  • danny32602 says:

    @inphiknitfractal lol

  • inphiknitfractal says:

    @danny32602 It said it was scared shitless when the guy that chopped up it’s friend came into the room…could recognize his energy every time compared to others…also when the scientist thought of burning it it’s field got all scrambled.

  • danny32602 says:

    @inphiknitfractal well … what did the tree say ._.

  • TheMandarinxx says:

    why that guy put those alien pictures in the end. Godamit they always scare me :p

  • TheMandarinxx says:

    why that guy put those alien pictures in the end. Godamit they always scare me :p

  • phantomspellchecker says:

    I loved this video, but you blew it at the end with all the alien crap. All UFOlogists are unable to answer my question, maybe you can: Why are extraterrestrials so humanoid? What are the chances of evolution simultaneously producing several beings of comparable anatomy on several separate planets?

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