Question by beast_ly_ness: What are good tarot card spreads?
If there are any online stuff I could print out that would be great?
Best answer:
Answer by Astro Lady
Sure, there are tons of info online.
Some of the most popular spreads are:
* 3-card spreads
* Celtic Cross Spreads
* Tree of Life Spreads
* Horseshoe Spreads
You can look for more here
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
If you are looking for something beyond the typical Celtic Cross, I suggest going to my site:
I have sixteen different spreads there from my highly anticipated book, “The Ultimate Tarot Spread Guide.” Just be sure to get my written permission first and give me proper credit if you plan on posting them anywhere or using them for anything beyond your own personal use of reading for yourself.
Joy to you,
Maralee Fox-Heins
Just google your question and you will get lots of information. It really doesn’t matter what spread you decide to use as long as you feel comfortable with it. It isn’t a good idea to change spreads often so pick one and stay with it.