What Are Magick Potions, And What Are Their Possibilities?
Magick Potions are mixtures of herbal ingredients, oils and other substances that have magickal properties.
In earlier times, the recipes for making such potions were protected from the attackers who were bent on destroying magickal ways of life. To keep them safe, the recipes were concealed using strange code words for each ingredient used. When the Greek magickal papyrus was found, many of the names were decoded.
Dioscorides (40-90AD) was a physician in ancient Greece who wrote De Materia Medica which detailed all the plants and herbs that had magickal and healing properties. Around the same time or earlier, the Ayurveda philosophy of holistic healing was founded which includes meditation, yoga and herbal therapies for healing common ailments.
Herbal remedies were available from early times in most ancient cultures. When a person has a headache, the leaves of a local plant would be used or the roots of another would be used for a stomach ache. If the person had both stomach ache and head ache, then a concoction of the two remedies would be made.
To avoid infection, this concoction may sometimes be heated over hot coals. Hot water was used to bathe a sick person and sometimes the water was infused with therapeutic herbs, flowers or seeds. Thus the potion was born.
Most witches were herbal healers or witch doctors. They were proficient in the healing arts of the time. As their powers grew, people from far off lands would request their chants of incantations as well as their potions to get rid of physical and mental illnesses.
These potions were also referred to as a “mixture” or “tincture” or “spirits” as they healed the spirits as well as the physical body.
Some of the code words for ingredients in these potions were as follows:
Adder’s tongue – plantain
Bat’s wing – holly leaf
Blood – tree sap
Bone of Ibis – buckthorn
Brains – Cherry tree gum
Bull’s Foot – Coltsfoot
Cat – Catnip
Corpse candles – Mullein
Devil’s dung – Asafetida
Dragon’s blood – Resin of Draco palm
Eye of Christ – Germander
Eyes – inner part of any blossom
Five fingers – Cinquefoil
God’s hair – Hart’s Tongue fern
Graveyard’s dust – Mullein
Hawk’s heart – Wormwood seed
Kronos blood – Cedar
Lion’s tooth – Dandelion
Man’s bile – Turnip sap
Privates – any seed
Ram’s head – American Valerian
Skull – Skullcap mushroom
Toad – Sage
Tongue – Petal
Urine – Dandelion
Wing – (or paw) leaf
Wolf’s milk – Euphorbia
Worms – Thin roots.
To the people, the recipes looked very sinister. They had already assumed the worst about witches and did not understand the uses of the potions or incantations.
Potions are still used in many parts of the world to cure many illnesses. People strengthen their immune systems, encourage love and affection, and induce people to marry or keep themselves in prosperity using herbal potions handed down over generations.
Here is a Love potion for newly weds to ensure that they stay together forever:
Steep myrtle in white wine for a few hours. The bridegroom and the bride then drinks it from one shared wine glass to guarantee that their romance, fidelity and fertility will be consecrated by Aphrodite’s blessings.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about magic potions here: http://www.askroseariadne.com/
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