Question by stacy w: What are some good books for tarot card combinations and for begginers?
Hi I was just wondering if anyone could tell me some good books for reading tarot cards. I would like to know more about combinations of cards and things like that. Also what it means or signifies when you get alot of one suit or alot of page court cards for instance? Thanks!!
Best answer:
Answer by Lone Rose
Don’t laugh and I’m not being mean, but tarot Cards for Dummies. It’s good and they explain everything so ANYONE can understand what they are doing.
I’ve read the book too so I thought it was helpful
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You could probably look up the basics online. From there just use your intuition.
I would suggest buying several books. There are many good books on Tarot. Each of them has a slightly different slant on meanings and by using several of them, you will get more information and expand your reading ability. But of course, it is the psychic message that is most important. Without receiving that, your readings will not be accurate.