Question by GraysAnatoy: What are the crystals on marijuana and cocaine?
Very good weed has crystals on it.. so does coke. But what exactly are they? Does Pepper or Cinnamon have crystals on it?
Best answer:
Answer by Felix
They are not crystals, they are angels
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Marijuana does not have crystals on it. Those are trichomes, small glands full of a resin high in cannabinoid content. They are an evolutionary measure to help prevent the leaves from being eaten by small incests, who get stuck to the trichomes and become heavily intoxicated by the cannabinoids, losing their will to escape.
Cocaine is usually a crystalline substance. How could it have crystals “on” it, when it is made out of crystals to begin with? If the cocaine you’re doing is mostly a fine powder but has larger crystals mixed in, then you most likely have very poor quality cocaine. Look at any of it under a microscope sometime and you’ll see that it’s a crystalline substance even when powdered, as during processing it’s allowed to crystallize into large solid bricks.