Question by INFINITE LIGHT: What are the most expensive reiki, empowerments, or metaphysical systems on the internet?
I’m looking for expensive reikis like reiki tummo. Or expensive metaphysical systems like Tenaga Dalam Ilahi. I know that how much a reiki costs is not an accurate display of how good it is. But yet and still, I ask this question.
Best answer:
Answer by Midnyte
do you mean the most expensive attunements for reiki? Different people charge differently. SOme do it for free, some still charge for master attunement 10.000.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
The most expensive that I am aware of is the already mentioned $10,000.00 for Master Level under the “traditional” lineage of Madame Hawayo Takata. However, since you are obviously wise (knowing that cost is not an accurate display of quality) and a seeker of balance and harmony I would be more than happy to charge you as much as you’d like for an attunement.
I have come up with my own system which combines my 12 years of Reiki experience with my Shamanic training and lifelong study of metaphysics to address all 7 of the chakras in addition to the traditional Usui attunement and I typically charge $100 per chakra but the customer is always right so, if you’d prefer, I’d be happy to charge you anywhere up to say $10,000.00 per chakra for a total of $70,000.00 for my complete system (making Takata’s $10,000.00 into mere childs play). This is a special offer and is therefore of course only available for a limited time.