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it, her sight was restored. The note was signed “from your Valentine”, making it the first valentine note ever written.

While Valentine was in jail, it is said that he wrote notes on flower petals and attached them to messenger birds. Many people say this is why we say it flowers on this day.

In later years, singles drawing names to pair off was looked down upon by the church. They decided to have the boys draw the names of saints instead and the boys were then supposed to try and live the same way as the saint for the next year. This didn’t go over very well, and soon the old tradition was restored.

The first valentine we know of was written by the Duke of Orleans in 1415 to his wife. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London and wrote several poems in French and English using the word “valentine” to mean sweetheart.

It was believed by those in the Middle Ages that every bird chose a mate on Valentine’s Day so it was perfectly natural that humans should too. During this period, the young men who drew names for valentines were expected to purchase gifts for their partner throughout the entire year. This could mean flowers before each dance or festival, or it could mean much more expensive items.

A very special valentine gift was a pair of gloves, which actually meant the young man was asking for the lady’s hand in marriage. If she accepted, she wore the gloves to church on Easter.

So, Valentine’s Day is not a commercially made up holiday as some would claim. The 14th is now Singles Awareness Day (SAD) also, and many are anti-Valentine’s Day. I don’t understand why when it is not just a day for romance. Even if you happen to be single, I bet there are people that you treasure. Make the day about friends and

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