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Question by Awake: What are the spiritual reasons and benefits of fasting?
Fasting is basically sacrificing one of our earthly pleasures for period of time. Most commonly people fast with food. What are the spiritual reasons for fasting? How does it benefit us?
I’m convinced various religious beliefs will have answers here and that’s fine. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by insquarecircles
Muslims do it b/c it makes them realize how the less fortunate feel, and gives them a sense of humility

Im sure Ill get thumbs down for mentioning a religion other than Christianity…thats how it works here.

Add your own answer in the comments!

9 Responses to What are the spiritual reasons and benefits of fasting?

  • Doug B says:

    Lack of nourishment can cause hallucinations. Amazing how many religious writers become inspired after their brains start shutting down due to lack of food, isn’t it?

  • 1 Corinthians 9:26b-27 says:

    From a Christian point of view, there are several benefits. I know that for one, it has helped strengthen my faith. During a period of fasting, I will study God’s Word and be in prayer about something I desperately need an answer to. As I pray, I’m trusting that through committing this time to fervent prayer, God will answer. I’m cultivating my faith in the unseen. And within a matter of weeks I do receive my answer. Another benefit is the spiritual growth benefits. As I study the Word of God, I learn new things, I also can sometimes recognize sins that I’ve never noticed before until I took the time to wrap myself in the Word of God. I see my faults and turn away from them.

  • I love music says:

    Assalamou alaykoum (peace be with you)

    Well, I am muslim and I do fast during this month of ramdan. and to me i see as a vacation for the soul and mind and body that rich and poor people can afford.
    it’s a spiritual vacation because we are always mindful of God, and are in prayer mode and remembering God.
    It’s a vacation for the soul, because you get to use your spiritual knowledge learned during the month of ramadan to help you become a better person.
    It’s a vacation for the body because fasting helps detoxify the body and helps people lose weight as well.
    but for me, i feel closer to God and I am more aware of the higher purpose.

    read this also, i hope i helped in a way

  • mairszee says:

    I have never fasted , I do feel it must be a real difficult sacrifice because I have never even tried. I do not know the benefit as some one who has reaped the benefit. but I know that the people I know personally WHO have fasted have told me of the benefit , It is one of a feeling of Love of God and a way to find closeness it helps them to clear the mind to be empty so as to be open to receive

  • rkpalli says:

    fasting without food is one reason and the other is [upavasam] a sanskrit word is in constant remembrance of the beloved and being with him all the time. or can say that we are staying with him. fasting is good for health but it is not advisable for a hard worker as he needs nourished food for his work. the only meaning is to be with him all the time.

  • bboggettii says:


    Loose the bands of wickedness, Undo heavy burdens, Let the oppressed go free, Break every yoke, Deal bread to the hungry, Bring the poor that are cast out to thy house, Cover the naked, Hide not thyself from thine own flesh, Take away from the midst the yoke the putting forth of the finger and speaking vanity, Draw out thy soul to the hungry, Satisfy the afflicted soul, Turn away thy foot from the sabbath from doing any pleasure- call the sabbath a delight to honor the Lord- not doing thine own ways- not finding thine own pleasure nor speaking thine own words.

  • jon a says:

    From the Christian point of view fasting is meant as a time to rely on God for strength. Meaning that when the hunger pangs hit it is a physical reminder to stop and seek time with God. It is only meant for short periods of time. We seek to replace our physical hunger with hunger for the Lord and his word. We stop and seek spiritually the bread of life and not the food.

  • Dr pushpinder k says:

    It creates will inside that is necessary for individual spiritual and religious growth.

  • Kayl says:

    It depends on the type of the fast, and the reasons you are on it.
    I am a christian and unfortunately nowdays.
    expecially in the “western world” and within our culture, fasting is frowned upon when it is spiritual helpful.
    Fasting should never be done as a “way to earn something with God”
    It’s to allign our hearts’ affections with his.
    It enables us to cleanse the sanctuary or our hearts from other rivaling things (maybe just speanding our time in selfish ways)
    you shouldn’t boast about the fast
    (really the only people who need to know you are doing it is those who need to know)
    Likewise, it is helpful to have a friend or family member fasting with you. or even a group.
    HAVE A CLEAR PRAYER TARGET IN FASTING (without a vision the people parish Habakkuk 2:2)
    writing that target down may be more helpful to remember.
    there are other various books writen on fasting.
    I suggest Changing History through prayer and fasting by Derek Prince.
    If you do fail, DO NOT give in to condemnation- even just from yourself.
    Your body will feel the pain if you are in lets say a 21 fast and break it with mexican! but if you do mess up, just KEEP GOING and go where you left off!
    You will need to rest alot and also exercise is helpful durning a fast (i’m not suggesting running a marathon as you WILL NOT have that amount of energy, but walking is helpful)

    Every fast done is faith IS rewarded (Matthew 6:16-18)
    spiritual breakthrough often comes AFTER a fast, not always during it.

    but it does open our spirits and hearts to recieve more of God and humbles ourselves to hear him clearer.

    You do need to do more research on starting and breaking a fast and healthy eating when you are not fasting as those are all important.
    Years of incorrect fasting (health wise) will cause more damage then if you never fasted. If you live a “fasted lifestyle” the benifets will also be strong physically.

    The seven types of fast are
    1.advert crisis (Neh. 1:4)

    2.increase power in ministry (matt 17:21

    3. Corporate revival (Joel 1:14, 2:15, Luke 2:37)

    4. Express mourning & repentace (zech 8, 1 sam 7:6, Neh. 9:1-2, Psalms 38, 2 sam. 1:12, 2 sam 3:35, 2 Sam 12:16-23)

    5. Preparation for Devine Assignment (new season)
    (Neh 1:4, Ezra 8:21 (for wisdom and protection), Acts 14:23, Acts 13:1-2)

    6. To receive God’s secrets (Daniel 10:2-3)

    7. Bridegroom fast

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