Question by Luke S: What are the teams in shaman king?
In shaman king when they have the 3 player teams, what are they? It would be cool if someone could tell me all, or let me see the full roster.
Best answer:
Answer by Hannah
if u scrool down u will c the teams
What do you think? Answer below!
Team Funbari Onsen Team-
Yoh Asakura, Ryu (Ryunosuke Umemiya), Faust Vlll
Team The Ren-
Horohoro (Usui Horokeu), Ren Tao, Chocolove McDonell
Team Hanagumi-
Kanna Bismarch, Marion Phauna, Matilda Maitsse
Team Icemen
Pino, Zria , Cardimahide
Team Niles-
Anatel Pokki, Nakht Pitra, Khafre Puljiz
Team X-Laws l
Iron Maiden Jeane, Lyzerg Diethel, Marco
Team X-Laws ll
John Denbat, Porf Griffith, and Larch Diarc
Team X-Laws lll
Benstar (Bunstar), Cebin (Kevin) Mendel, and Miine (Meene).
Team Hoshi- Gumi (Star team) (to Hoshi-Gumi to Kaze-Gumi, Hao’s followers) (Gumi means team in Japanese)
Hao Asakura, Opacho, Luchist Lasso
Tsuchi-gumi (Team Earth)-
BoZ Brothers (Ryo, Zen), Peyote Diaz
Tsuki-gumi (Team moon)-
Hang Zang Ching, “Big Guy” Bill Burton, Mohamed “Turbine” Tabarsi
Kaze-Gumi (Team Wind)-
Damayaji, Boris Tepes Dracula, Blocken Meyer
Team “Nyorai”- (from team Nyorai to team ten, part of Gandhara
Lady Sati, Daiei, Komeri
Team “Myooh”-
Jackson, Yainage, Cado
Team Ten
Samy, Mamy, Ozam, Sei Kyow, Aeon Lee
Lily Five (only in anime)
Sharona, Sally, Lilly, Ellie, Millie
Team Kabbalahers,
Redseb and Seyram Munzer, Mikihisa Asakura
(The rest are minor and I don’t know names)
Team Magical Princess
Tahiti 800
T production
However, in the anime, most teams aren’t showed.
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