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light-brown vase. It was used in holding the dead bodies of infants; it was their casket so-to-speak, and they were buried in them.

As the others walked around, I continued to be swallowed up by my imagination, and there I was recreating the varies scenes of how life was when the Lucanians were flesh and bone. I was mesmerized by their ingenious possessions.

Outside the heat was smothering. Every living creature which wiggled or walked was affected by the weather. This weather was a fluke; they said it was the hottest and driest summer in some 30 years or so.

We continued and visited the historical villages where we believe the Templars had lived or were once present. We glanced down at every nook and stopped to stare at 90% of everything; family crest carvings, carvings of saints, hanging peppers, window boxes, and especially the microscopic alleyways. It was difficult to maneuver through them, even if you weren’t in a hurry. One of the residents explained to me that the walkways were made so tight in order to impedit the medieval armies from entering so easily. It was easier to bonk them on the head if they came through one by one. The time-worn family crests were difficult to read and much too consumed to be able to make out the symbols or the name of the family.

They explained later that almost all of the towns in medieval times were walled up, and had positioned two main entrances one on each opposite end of the village.

After lunch we traveled on to visit “a ghost town” of the ancient people of “Serra di Vaglio” which was a hike up a Lucanian mountain hill in a Naturalistic Archeological Park. We went on foot past the blackberry fields and past the

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