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Question by raven_geisha: What can you tell me about Metaphysics?
I stumbled upon a website which was a University for Metaphysics and I would like to know what it is?

Best answer:

Answer by Sora Elric
Metaphysics deals with questions like what is reality, what is being, what is knowing, etc. Some philosophers (like Plato) believed that there is a reality beyond what we experience. Others (like Kant) believed that there is only one reality, and that’s what we perceive around us.

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2 Responses to What can you tell me about Metaphysics?

  • labdad says:

    There are TONS and TONS of information on the Metaphysical world. Good luck in your research. I would just google it and then you will be reading about it for the next 10 years.
    It is fascinating, and a university of Metaphysics is just a systematic study of the subject although it is almost contrary to the whole hypothetical understanding of the metaphysical world.
    Good Luck

  • BUFF . says:

    metaphysics is the branch of philosphy that tries to explain everything in one unified go. it’s a bringing together of smaller but important branches of philosophy. If you wish to explain everything you will need to explain waht the universe is – cosmology, what we are – ontology and how we know and understadn it all – epistemology.

    metaphysics is about a finding an answer to ” life, the universe and everything ”

    each persons outlook will be different so you don’t have to come to the “right answer” there isn’t one- Many outlooks search for ‘the truth’ – i think finding the truth is covered by others but i see the world is not as good a place as it could be so my personal metaphysics considers good not truth as the most important thing.

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