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Question by Russianspirit: What did you see on you Vision Quest?
I really want to take a Vision quest for personal reasons. I am curious to know how the process worked for you? Did you get a vision and did you feel,taste,see,smell,or hear it? I would like to know out of curosity and validation
I don’t read million dollar books….I just know people who have done it personally and I want to try it too..

Best answer:

Answer by Roman C
Vision quests are ours. They are personal and private. Stop reading those books by million dollar “medicine men” and falling for all the BS they are selling.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 Responses to What did you see on you Vision Quest?

  • Merry Prankster says:

    I have tried using psychedelics for spiritual reasons. It doesn’t really work, not to say that you can’t benefit, because you can.

    It’s like trying to get to a destination, but there is a huge river to cross. Psychedelics are like a boat, to cross that river. But the boat can only take you so far, dig it? After that, you gotta get out and keep walking.

    I agree with first answer, what you may “see” on a trip, is personal. Not that it is embarassing or anything… it just only has significance to you. One time, I thought I was truly dead. Sounds funny, but when you think you are dead, it’s really not funny. So don’t fall for the romantic notions that some would have you believe.
    Please, if you do anything, have a sober friend to watch and support you, and know that some doors, once opened, can’t be closed.

  • Kanien:kaha'ka says:

    no self respecting native would tell anyone about any of our ceremonies beyond a very superficial description. certainly nothing about visions. find your own peoples ways and stick to them.

  • mr.twocrows says:


    some peoples kids. . .

  • T D says:

    dang I have to agree with Roman on this one ayee. Some things are just personal things you wouldnt share online not like you asking.

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