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Question by project b: what do christian THink about Tarots and FOrtune tellers?
is it the devils work?

true christian believer only if your not a true believer of christ then i dont want to hear it respectively

what is it , i mean i was thinking of going for fun not to believe in but just for fun what do you think.

the fortune teller said that my aunt was going to die and she did so what do you think?

“My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. 73:26”

Best answer:

Answer by Jack Hammer
So far, all of them who were examined by skeptics turned out to be frauds

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10 Responses to what do christian THink about Tarots and FOrtune tellers?

  • A B says:

    I believe you are misusing the Shift key.

    But really, anyone in their right mind knows that Fortune Tellers are vague and false.

  • Chelz says:

    You don’t have to be a Christian to be literate, and the Bible says it’s an abomination.

    I think that’s a little harsh, but you asked.

  • Gorgeoustx Go Spurs Go! says:

    The Christians who fear this do so because they haven’t bothered to research them.

  • grrrrrwolf says:

    Ever take one to a Chinese restaurant? Strange things come up when the fortune cookies come out…

  • ignoramus_the_great says:

    I think some tarot and fortune teller might actually be in contact with the spirit world, but not with God. Perhaps that is the reason why sometimes they can tell you things about the future (especially bad events). However I would stay away from them, because Jesus Christ is sufficient for us. Do we have to be so fearful about the future that we are willing to place ourselves in a position to receive information and guidance and deception from evil spirits? Nothing good can come from this.


    this opens the door for satan. yes this is satans work. i wouldn’t do it!

  • Maddy says:

    Remember that the devil has powers too. Anybody who doesn’t look to God to for-tell the future is either a phony or getting their powers from someone else….

  • Faith R says:

    I truly believe in Christ, and I believe that if you were to find a fortune teller or a tarot reader that was not a fraud, that it is possible that they are real. 🙂 I think many of us go through our existence without the knowledge of proper names for our gifts. I think that what a Wiccan may call a spell, a Christian may call a prayer, and there may be a dozen other names but really they may all tap into the same “power source” if you will. It may just be their way to speak to their creator, or I suppose it is possible that they are truly appeasing to the power of someone other than God. I tend to want to think the best of people though and I think that if there is a person who worships with a pure heart filled with all of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, that they will be judged well by God. I think anyone who is truly a Christian, and believes in loving others would agree that not everyone has been blessed with knowledge, and that you can’t fault people who don’t know the truth. If there is a person that has the gift of sight from God, and doesn’t know what exactly it is or where exactly it came from, they may think that they are a fortune teller. I tend to be an optimist though, and on the other hand, I guess it would be entirely possible that there is a powerful and malicious adversary to God that exists and is working to lead us all astray. Like I said, I do believe very much in Christ, and in the word of God, and this is just my opinion. 😉 Best of luck!

  • macie says:

    Read Deuteronomy 18: 9 to 14 When you play around with this some thing happen to make you think it was the fortune teller or horoscope when that happens you start to believe and draw away from God. God is in control of all things not fortune tellers and tarot readers. be careful not to fall for this. it is dangerous.

  • Gastounet says:

    Let’s see what the Bible telle us dear …

    A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

    Oh well, let’s start picking up the stones then, sorry.

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