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Question by Fisherman: what do most major motorcycle clubs think of glbt people?
I am bi and i was wondering if any major motorcyc;e group would allow me to join them (i.e. Pagans, Hells Angels, Mongols, Bandidos, Outlaws) I am not saying i want to join but hypothetically would I be allowed to?
hey hey. hang on a sec. the media gives Hells Angels a bad rap. yes some chapters of Hells Angels like over in California will beat the hell outta anybody and everybody. BUT over in Kentucky and other places we have chapters that are law abiding citizens. Hell when I was 8 years old we invited the west kentucky chapter over to my house for a New Years party because my mom was friends with some of them. They were real nice and didnt even drink a sip of beer the whole time. And believe me i wont sue because I couldnt get in because I would get killed before I even got to the court house

Best answer:

Answer by Ciat Murachú
If they didn’t allow you to join on the base of your sexuality; you could sue them!

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3 Responses to what do most major motorcycle clubs think of glbt people?

  • Greg P says:

    You sound like you are talking about motorcycle GANGS not clubs. I don’t know about the others but I did read Hunter S. Thompson’s book on the Hell’s Angels. You don’t want to join them. Trust me. You’d get ‘stomped’.

    A motorcycle club is one thing…a gang. No way buddy.

  • Marq JPAA says:

    I’m with Doug — I think you want a motorcycle club (a group of people who have an interest in motorcycling and who like to tour), rather than a motorcycle gang.

    If you really want to be in a motorcycle gang — you would join but say *nothing* about your sexual orientation until they had gotten to know you pretty well and accepted you for who you wee.

  • rachelle_inhighheels says:

    I would say that you’re life span would be greatly shortened by becoming any part of associating with them if you’re refering to the imfamous ones..
    And let’s be realistic – any gang is a gang, is a gang, is a gang.. Do you think they are really good below the surface..? If they were any good, they would be good as individuals.
    Why not be a gang of ONE….? Or can’t some individuals function alone – do they need others to support them and vice versa..?
    Rachelle In High Heels

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