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Question by ? Sabrina ? Go Green: What do pagans believe in? What exactly does pagan mean or stand for?
What is a pagans form or way of worship?

Best answer:

Answer by Fireball226
other than the Trinity…

im sure you have a dictionary…

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12 Responses to What do pagans believe in? What exactly does pagan mean or stand for?

  • el duderino says:

    this word has a few different meanings. Look it up on Wiki.

    There is an old definition, and a more current meaning also.

  • AcHrIsTiAnLaDy says:

    They are worldly people that worship the Earth and the things of this world instead of the one whom created us which is Jesus Christ.

  • Mama Bear says:
  • Auntie·Christ {sex pantheist!} says:

    Pagan is an umbrella term for a group of various different religions and spiritual paths.

    There are countless different beliefs and practices that could be called Pagan.

  • Idolizer of The Beatles says:

    Paganism derives from a Latin phrase which mean “rural dweller.” It’s a reference to the fact that urban centers tended to be Christian, while rural areas tended to hold onto polytheistic, pre-Christian belief systems.

    There are hundreds of forms of paganism. Some pagans follow set beliefs (for example, Hellenic Reconstructionism). Other pagans choose to worship which deities they want. It’s a wide-open group of beliefs.

  • supertop says:

    Pagan is not a specific religion, but it could be any religion that has more than one god.

  • Chances68 says:

    Pagan is a terribly broad term encompassing literally dozens of distict, different faiths. There is simply no way to accurately answer your question without using vagarities. Still, as I believe you asked honestly, I will tryu to give you the best answer such a vague question can expect.

    Pagan comes from the Latin “Pagani” which meant something akin to country bumpkin. It’s been used, more recently to denote those who the Christians felt were simple-minded and rustic because they continued to worship the old Gods and old ways of their people. Today, it mostly denotes those who practice non_abrahamic paths. Many Pagan faiths are polytheistic (having more than one God), but others are pantheistic or even non-theistic. Most Pagan faiths are focused on nature and the cycles we observe in nature, although again, there is a great deal of variation under the unbrella of the term “Pagan.” Among the most predominant of the modern Pagan faiths in practice in the English speaking world are Wicca, Asatru, Druidry, Roman and Hellenistic Reconstructionist, British Traditional Witchcraft, and Stregian Witchcraft. There are dozens of others, however.

    In order to get a good understanding, you will need to seek out information for each of those specific paths.

    Best of luck and good hunting!

  • Frau Asher Cat says:

    answer: paganism is an umbrella term for any religion or spirituality not Jewish, Christian or Islamic.

    There are many types of pagans.

    Typically, general beliefs are: reincarnation, karma, not harming any if it can be helped, a reverence for life and nature, no devil, no sin, a love of learning, a belief in multiple deities.

    There are Egyptian pagans, Greek pagans (Hellenism), Roman, Baltic, Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Wiccan, Native American, and many others.

  • Silver Thunderbird, sticky n key says:

    Asking what pagans believe, is like asking what flavor ice cream Baskin Robins has today… there are many many different beliefs under that term, and even people of the same ‘tradition’ are going to have different beliefs. No two pagans believe in the exact same thing.

    Like Aunti Christ said, pagan is an umbrella term that covers all religions other than the abramic religions (i.e. Christianity, Judeaism, and Islam). That, being the common era definition. the old definition was ‘country dweller’, or meaning people that are less civilized. The latter definition is rarely if ever used when asked, except in this answer’s context.

    If you want to know what I believe in, i’d be happy to tell you, just not here, like this. drop me an email, and i’ll do my best to explain. 😉

    Blessed Be,
    )O( STB

  • melissaharrington says:

    “pagan” is an ancient word meaning farmer. It referred to those who lives on farms outside the city walls, and were thus removed from the cultural center. As a result, they were the last to be “reached” by whatever new religion came to town (if they ever heard of it at all).

    They tended to believe in some sort of pantheon that governed the agricultural cycle – harvest gods, fertility gods, etc. It is a submission to the ways of nature more than a worship paradigm. Today, the word is applied to any of several nature-based belief systems.

  • The Passenger says:

    Pagan refers to a group of religions rather than just one religion.

    My definition for a Pagan religion is one that is non Abrahamic (that is not Judaism, Christianity, or Islam) and wishes to identify as Pagan. There are several religions that are non-Abrahamic that do not generally identify as Pagan, such as Buddhism. There are many, many Pagan religions. Some of them are Druidry, Wicca, Norse Reconstructionism, Hellenic Reconstructionism, Celtic Reconstructionism, Goddess Worship, Kemeticism, there are Eclectic Pagans and many more.

    Different Pagan religions don’t have anything in common with each other as far as beliefs and practices really other than generally no Pagan religions seek converts and they do not believe that their way is the only way or that there is any afterlife punishment for not following their religion.

    I am Wiccan and a good source of accurate information about Wicca can be found here –

  • Kirra Blackhart says:

    I tried to answer this question a few times, and but what I have now is starting to look like a manuscript.

    Basically, the definition of a pagan is too long for this little box.

    What it isn’t though is simple. It is not a religion, just as monotheism isn’t a religion.

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