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Question by Night and Day: What do shamans do regarding soul retrieval?

Best answer:

Answer by Shai Hulud
make up a silly story about it

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3 Responses to What do shamans do regarding soul retrieval?

  • Cher JPA says:

    To learn more contact Michael Harner’s group. Keep in mind as he stresses, he’s developed a technique. It is not Shamanism in the sense that Native Cultures define it. Also, it does not involve drugs (most Native Culture activities do not – in spite of the false myth that persists).

    Also, Sandra Ingerman has an excellent into book, particularly on soul retrieval. I’d start there (she as a website too) rather than asking folks over the internet. There’s too much misinformation out there. Her book is a good quick read.

  • jimi says:

    Shamanism is the oldest form of human healing. It is a type of religious medicine that originated over 25,000 years ago in the Paleolithic hunting cultures of Siberia and Central Asia. The English word shaman is derived from the Siberian Tungus word “saman,” which is defined as a technique of ecstasy. The shaman is considered a great master of trance and ecstasy. He or she is the dominating figure in certain indigenous populations.
    Most early cultures’ healing practices stem from a shamanic tradition. For instance, when visiting the sick, Egyptian magicians often brought a papyrus roll filled with incantations and amulets in order to drive out demons.
    The shaman is often the religious leader or priest of the tribe. He is believed to have magical powers that can heal the sick. The shaman is called upon to mediate between the people of the community and the spirit world to cure disease, exorcize evil spirits, and to promote success in hunting and food production and to keep the tribal community in balance. Traditional shamanic rituals included singing, dancing, chanting, drumming, storytelling, and healing. The shaman is a specialist in human souls. He is able to see them and know their form and destiny. The shaman controls the spirits. Rather than being possessed by them, he communicates with the dead, demons, and nature spirits.
    The shaman’s work is based on the belief that the soul can forsake the body even while a person is alive and can stray into other cosmic realms where it falls prey to demons and sorcerers. The shaman diagnoses the problem, then goes in search of the wandering soul and makes it return to the body.
    Shamanism is still practiced all over the world, although each culture’s shamanic tradition has evolved in different ways. Native American medicine men perform soul flights and vision quests to heal. North American Inuit shamans undertake undersea spirit journeys to ensure a plentiful supply of game. Tibetan shamans use a drum to help them in spirit flight and soul retrieval. Central and South American shamans often use hallucinogenic plants to invoke their shamanic journeys. Australian aborigine shamans believe that crystals can be inserted into the body for power. Some cultures have female as well as male shamans.

  • Thimmappa M.S. says:

    Soul is not meant to be retrieved as it is never lost. It is all a make believe story for the gullible.

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