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What Do the Stars Really Have to do With Anything? Just About THAT Much!

MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Follow That Esoteric Node!

“A time and place for all things” so the scriptures say. When one is born, the time, circumstances and place determine the rest of the story of one’s upcoming life. Some might say that astrology does a partially effective job of delineating those particular aspects in a person’s life. One of those indicators, according to professional astrologers would be to: FOLLOW THAT NODE. Should you be interested and so inclined, you can investigate the possibilities associated with your particular node. Astrology is a fascinating subject, that requires a lifetime to begin to master but for pure entertainment, it provides a great deal of conversational material.

Are you willing to devote a few moments of your time to take a short journey into one of the aspects of the individual astrological path you have chosen to follow? If indeed, a specific purpose was attached to arrival on earth, then, there may just be some profitable information available for you to possibly apply for greater benefit and awareness. Of course, that purpose involves a contributory production of some sort from you while you reside here on the planet. Nothing is for free. You must be willing to exchange the necessary time, effort and energy to unravel, relate and work to accumulate enough facts to substantiate the astrological data for verifiable conclusions.

Otherwise, spin the zodiac on a short but enjoyable carnival ride! It is at this point, another reiteration: “Concentrated energy vested work on yourself is the primary motive that will open up a demonstrable doorway for you to (learn) remember how to walk through your particular life more knowledgably in order to fulfill your exact

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