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Question by ilm2340: What do Wiccans *or other Pagans* believe about the end of the world?

Best answer:

Answer by oo? oo? bu?? bu?? .???
christians are also pagans.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

9 Responses to What do Wiccans *or other Pagans* believe about the end of the world?

  • nikola333 says:

    The majority of all people regardless to their faiths are sick and tire of hearing chicken little stories from bimbos

  • Mailman Fred says:

    I think most Pagans have a cyclical view: no strict beginning or end.

  • LJR says:

    There is no end-times prophecy dogma in Wicca

  • Nightwind: Mwa ha ha! says:

    Each pagan religion has it’s beliefs.

    For Wiccans, there is no end of the world scenario. Which is not to say we think things remain unchanging. We generally agree with scientific views. Life will continue on this planet until something happens that makes life unsustainable. Even then, the universe will continue on without us. The universe does not revolve around humanity in Wicca.

  • Dr. Frog, Flying High Again says:

    Civilizations come and go, Earth remains. The world will not “end.” Our civilization will undoubtedly cease to exist, but not Earth. She’ll rest for a while and bring life again, cause that’s what she does.

    The end for some is a beginning for others.

  • danksprite420 says:

    First of all…
    No christians are not pagans the definition of paganism is any religion that is not Muslim, Judaism, or christianity. By definition christians are not pagan.

    As for 2012. Each person believes different. I personally don’t believe anything will happen. The Mayan calender places the end of THIS age of man on 2012, not the end of the world. We are in the 4th age of man. the 5th age is supposed to be the age of knowledge and enlightenment.

  • james o says:

    They probably don’t worry about it.

  • Stella says:

    I think humanity will become extinct (through our own folly) long before the world/planet ever ceases to exist. 🙂 Like the other poster said: the Earth will retaliate against our poor treatment, kill us off, rest up and begin again.

  • ArcadianStormcrow says:

    “I shall not see a world which will be dear to me: summer without blossoms, cattle will be without milk, women without modesty, men without valor. Conquests without a king…Woods without a mast, sea without produce… False judgments of old men, false precedents of lawyers, every man a betrayer, every son a reaver. The son will go to the bed of his father, the father to the bed of his son. Each his brother’s brother-in-law. he will not seek any women outside his house… An evil time, sin will deceive his father, daughter will deceive…” Morrigan’s Prophecy at Mag Tuired

    That’s not necessarily the “end of the world” – but does paint a picture of a pretty bad catastrophe – perhaps bad enough to wipe out humanity. ::shrugs:: Dunno. If nothing else, it can serve as a warning, so that people can work to prevent it.

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