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Question by Kraig: What do you believe is the true nature of God universe?
What are your beliefs about the true nature of God and/or Universe?
Agnostic=There may be a God, there may not be a God, we cannot know. The metaphyical fence sitters, metaphysical cowards, just lazy, or don’t care.
Atheist= There is no God, most are rationalists, believing there is a rational scientific explanation for everything.
Theist=There is a God who created the universe and intervenes in its affairs (synonymous with monotheist)
Monotheist= synonymous with theist) Modern Jews make this clarification.
Deist= A (separate) God created the universe and left to observe and continues to observe but does not interfere..
Henotheist=There are many god, different people worship different gods. Early Jews believed this til Yhwh (too sacred to pronounce, hence the absence of vowels) which were latter added by man. Each tribe worshiped a different god, so I guess there were 12.
Polytheist= Many god, such as early Greeks and Romans
Pantheist=God and Universe are one and the same. I am a pantheist. Hindus are pantheist, some might say Buddhists are. Some say Hindus are polytheist, but that is a misinterpretation, they worship different aspects of the one God, these “aspects” are misinterpreted as God in and of themselves.I know you can find videos on Youtube about pantheism.
panantheism=God exists and the universe exists inside of God. I don’t know of any religions with this belief, but that doesn’t mean there are any. Believe it or not, sit down 🙂 , I don’t know everything. But maybe there’s something on Youtube about that too.

Best answer:

Answer by No Chance Without Jesus
Genesis 1 – Revelation 20

What do you think? Answer below!

12 Responses to What do you believe is the true nature of God universe?

  • CJ says:

    The truth is that JESUS is God 🙂 Salvation happens in a split second when you believe in Jesus in faith alone. It is impossible to lose or “leave” salvation (1 John 5:13). The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal hell, is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you will be in heaven, no matter what!

  • Ex_Pro_and_Ex_Con says:

    Plato, Aristotle and many thinkers right up through St Thomas Aquinas argue the necessity of there only being ONE GOD, by the nature of what it is to be God. So you multiply needless possibilities.

  • Andromache says:

    I’m an atheist. But atheism is not a belief, it is a lack of belief.

  • Toxic rose says:

    I’ve never heard the term “Henotheist” before.

  • manda the pantheist says:

    I is a pantheist. Thanks for the descriptions, too. =) Some need a little reminder of what their beliefs are.

    Monotheist and theists are not synonymous. Theism is simply belief in God(s). Which would branch out into monotheism, polytheism, bitheism, etc.

  • Travis Anderson says:

    Well, even though I take offense to the description of Agnostic-

    “Agnostic=There may be a God, there may not be a God, we cannot know. The metaphysical fence sitters, metaphysical cowards, just lazy, or don’t care.”

    I’m not a coward or lazy. In fact, I actually study much into the topic of Theology, and I openly portray my beliefs on this site and hide nothing.

    I’m open to differing ideas, and I won’t stubbornly stick to an idea that I know to be wrong-unlike most on here.

    However, I have often wondered if I am in fact an Pantheist-as I am more and more finding links between God and the Universe even though I believe God cannot be proved or disproved.

  • faytl091 says:

    I’m Muslim(monotheist)
    As far as out view on the nature of god goes is that.
    God is one.
    There is nothing like him.The moment you compare something to god.that is not god.If you say hes a million times stronger than a blue whale that still isn’t god.God is incomparable.
    And he begets not,nor is he begotten.

    Think about it,how did the big bang occur.For anything object to move there has to be a force applied atleast once,And the big cloud of gases that burst to make the universe how did it just occur by itself.there is a god.He runs this world,he keeps the Sun and moon on its course.He grows the living plants from dead soil.How can science do that.Can science make an atom?Not likely for any number of years.
    Humans have been given freedom in this world.They can do as they choose to either obey God and be righteous or Disbelieve in God.This world is a test and the result is heaven and hell depending on our actions.

  • Trofim L says:

    I am an atheist who has just gotten just a little bit more contemptuous of blind faith thanks to the first two posters. Thanks a lot, guys. You make me sick.

  • moon333 says:

    I believe that we are GOD and that the source of GOD is LOVE. When we vibrate within the frequency of holistic love source we recognize that all forms of physical, mental, and spiritual are aspects of the collective whole consciousness that resonates from within us all. I believe that we go to GOD and that perhaps it is a place rather then a being. When we are within our whole soul self we are accessible in GOD. We will return to GOD but we really never have left. Perhaps we are living an extension of our whole soul, like cells within a body. But we are that body, we operate within a system of macro to micro and all that we feel we are doing individualistically, is also part of a large working organism of a grand and intricate design. Rather beautiful considering that we all were placed here 3 dimensionally to play out mind games and solutions, testing the conscious corners of our mind. Experimenting being human. I feel that no matter what our path is as long as we live in harmony with the universe we will all end up within the same place because we are all ONE. We all have created these levels of experience. Just using the great ideology of dualistic realities to learn lessons. What an amazing and creative being we are.

  • mommanuke says:

    Basically, I’m an atheist. The only type of “God” I will accept is an unpersonified collection of energy of which all arises and to which all will return. I believe that since we are all a part of this energy, any action we take on another, whether good or bad, is experienced by all of us, including ourselves.

  • Shaun S says:

    I ve heard that arguement before about agnostics, fence sitters eh?
    People who write this are the ones too lazy to think about it.Surely it is a belief in that you cannot find any absolute knowledge one way or another and in that sense equally valid to any other belief.Its not that they are cowardly refusing too completely deny god , like just in case or anything! Its because of the belief that they cannot know because of the limits of human knowledge.This perhap makes them true to themselves which is more than can be said for a great deal of the other groups you have mentioned as it implies a thorough search within yourself. Where as within the other views it is all to easy to accept another mans point of view instead of your own for reasons you might not even be aware of.The view that you have expressed is basically name calling as far as I can see and I think I first read this view in Dawkins dreadfully dull book. Far from cowardly I think it may even be quite a noble stance.

  • ?CÆ’?z????? E??l A?????? I?¢????â„¢ says:

    I believe that the universe changes according to natural laws (The laws of physics). It started with some initial conditions, and evolved over time according to the natural laws.

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