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Question by Bella: What do you need in a “becoming a Pagan” ritual?
I’m defantly sure i want to do this, i’ve done alot of reading and research about it and i want to know what type of candles do you need? (colour, type how many) what if i don’t have a bath tub to soak in basil? I have a friend who is gonna help me, what else do i need, or should i do? thanks

Best answer:

Answer by posbyterian
I’m not a pagan but some good friends are. What I’ve seen is they have a pagan naming ceremony where they put on robes made of natural fabrics, tied with a sort of rope braided belt. They burn incense and drink mead (a honey liquor). Since they were pagans and not witches they didn’t burn coloured candles. In fact, as I remember they didn’t use candles since candle wax leaves a mess in the natural environment.

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4 Responses to What do you need in a “becoming a Pagan” ritual?

  • Cosimo )O( says:

    I think there may be a difference between what you need and what you think you need. You *need* only yourself, a private space to be in silence, and your personal commitment to the old gods.

    The rest is props, optional extras. Yes, a purification ritual such as a bath is helpful as a signal to the subconscious that you are making a new start. But it doesn’t have to be basil. How about a scented bath using a rosemary or mimosa foam bath from the supermarket? Candles and incense are good to establish a ritual atmosphere. The important thing is that you decide in advance what they signify. I would suggest a white candle for Goddess and a green one for God. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

    A self-dedication ritual is normally a solitary affair … only you and the gods. I would suggest you wear (if anything) only clothing set apart for ritual.

  • Enigma says:

    No, not to “become a pagan.” Many witches or Wiccans choose to do an initiation ritual though. And it’s not all black and white. You don’t HAVE to do anything a piece of paper or the internet tells you to. Your initiation can be anything you want, and you can do it however you want. As long as you are committing yourself to learning and harming none, everything else is just detail.

    Here are a few Initiation rituals:

  • bad tim says:

    you don’t need anything but your mind for any ritual, and you don’t need a ritual to ‘become’ a pagan. pagan is something you already are. all you need to do is affirm your intent to follow it consciously. for my self-dedication, i scattered bread crumbs on a snowy night while concentrating on my intent to become more attuned with nature.

    if you want to follow a specific tradition, then you need to follow its rituals, but you don’t have to follow a tradition to be pagan.

  • murigenii says:

    Like others have said you don’t really need anything. The thing is you probably haven’t done a lot of reading and study or you would know this. You would also know what color candles would be appropriate if you were to choose to do a ritual.

    I think you should do more reading…more studying…before you do anything.

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