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Question by DMG: What do you think are the metaphysical implications of quantum theory?
the quantum numbers represented by n, l,s,and p have been described as representations of, length, depth, width, and possibly time. These properties we can perceive as a result of our memeory and physical body. There are several numbers beyond these four. What do you think they might represent and could this theory be the unification of physics with metaphysics?
I don’t purport to be any sort of physics guru, however, the teacher who explained the theory was someone whose opinion was to be respected and he explained the 3-D and time relationship with the first 4 numbers. I am aware of the relationship between the electron orbitals and the quantum numbers also. I am very disappointed in the fact that so far no one who has answered seems to have any esoteric understanding of quantum theory. mechanics.

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. S
The culo-marfesei paradox (involving the implicit genocide of “involuntary” relativity…) – provides a challenging answer-inquiry to your profound disclosure. Fascinating.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One Response to What do you think are the metaphysical implications of quantum theory?

  • PhysicsDude says:

    The quantum numbers you speak of are values of “conserved numbers” in the dynamics of a quantum system. They often describe specifically the energies of electrons in atoms, but other possibilities include angular momentum, spin etc. A quantum system can potentially have one or more quantum numbers, depending on the complexity of the system. Fundamentally, quantum numbers is just a labeling scheme physicists have devised to describe the quantum physical characteristics of these systems. So your references to n, l, s, p are NOT representations of length, depth, width, or possibly time. Also, these numbers has absolutely nothing to do with the unification of physics and metaphysics, since there are nothing metaphysical about these quantum numbers. Sorry.

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