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Question by Occultist: What do you think of new age spirituality?
The New Age (also known as the New Age Movement, New Age spirituality, and Cosmic Humanism) is a decentralized Western social and spiritual movement that seeks “Universal Truth” and the attainment of the highest individual human potential. It combines aspects of cosmology, astrology, esotericism, alternative medicine, music, collectivism, sustainability, and nature. New Age spirituality is characterized by an individual approach to spiritual practices and philosophies, while rejecting religious doctrine and dogma.

The New Age Movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions ranging from atheism and monotheism through classical pantheism, naturalistic pantheism, and panentheism to polytheism combined with science and Gaia philosophy: particularly archaeoastronomy, astronomy, ecology, environmentalism, the Gaia hypothesis, psychology, and physics. New Age practices and philosophies sometimes draw inspiration from major world religions: Buddhism, Chinese folk religion, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism; with particularly strong influences from East Asian religions, Gnosticism, Neopaganism, New Thought, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Universalism, and Western esotericism.[2] Additional phrases which may refer to the New Age Movement include All is One[3] and Mind-Body-Spirit.[1]

The modern New Age Movement emerged as a distinct lifestyle from the late 1960s through the early 1970s, although elements can be traced back to the 19th and early 20th centuries. It gained momentum in the 1980s and strengthened with the Harmonic Convergence event in 1987. Diverse individuals from around the world practice New Age spirituality.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael
Dont seek after the Devil its Satan’s work!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to What do you think of new age spirituality?

  • anastasia says:

    Like you said, it’s just a lot of old religions and such being recycled and repackaged for a new generation. It seems it kinda took off again in the 80’s. Where have you been? Were you even born then?

  • MSB says:

    Some of my beliefs align with New Age, some don’t.

  • † Depending on Grace † says:

    There is only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ. There is no harmony in blending all the world’s religions into one big kumbaya. It doesn’t work that way.

    Check out a couple of these books; one is a novel (yet frighteningly appropriate for the times we live in, even though it was written over a decade ago):

    Seal of Gaia by Marlin Maddoux

    and non-fiction:

    The Beautiful Side of Evil by Johanna Michaelsen

    The New Age Movement is a brilliant scheme of Satan to deceive non-believers and those who are not strong in their Christian faith. Oprah Winfrey is falling prey to this scheme while promoting false-religion bestsellers like A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

    None of us are gods – there is only one true God and He is the Creator of all things. We were designed and created to have an intimate relationship with Him, but we are nowhere near His level.

    “Spirit guides” are actually demons in disguise. Gaia (“mother earth”) worship puts focus on praising nature instead of the God who created it.

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