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Question by Pablito: What do you think of the following statement: The first obligation of love is to listen?
I teach a class on meditation and I’ve entitled one of the sessions as, “The first obligation of love is listening.” What is your reaction to this statement?

This question can easily be answered by both theist and atheists alike. So feel free to strike any mushy minded metaphysical interpretation to this question if you feel so inclined.

Best answer:

Answer by trisha19
hummmm gud question.. i wudn say itz an OBLIGATION tho.. itz a part of a lovin relationship, yes, but its not n obligation =)

Add your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to What do you think of the following statement: The first obligation of love is to listen?

  • sanangel says:

    yeah i agree with you but along with listening you have to have trust.. if i do not trust someone i am not going to be listening to good…

  • Island Queen says:

    I would say it is to be kind and generous and giving and selfless actually.

  • Linda R says:

    I really like it. It got my attention,it has a real nice ring to it. Like

  • K S says:

    I think it’s an interesting way to look at it. When you love someone it’s important to listen to what they have to say and what’s important to them.

  • michael s says:

    Does love have “obligations”? At first glace it seems to be a contradiction, or at least an inconsistency with the term love from a Christian perspective. It appears to have been born of modern pop psychology rather than from Biblical teaching. But as I meditate on it further I see that love does have obligations. In the great Biblical chapter which defines love, I Corinthians 13, I learn that love does indeed oblige me to suffer long, be kind, envy not, not be puffed up, think no evil and a host of other things, but it does not mention listening. While listening is a good practice and perhaps even a manifestation of love, I wouldn’t go quite as far as your statement and making it obligatory. But thought provoking nonetheless. Thank you.

  • thetaalways says:

    I think you are onto something but are missing some very basic
    truths. The concept has merit but when you use the words “love” and “obligation” it tends to communicate the wrong idea.
    The word “love” has too many different interpretations and the word “obligation” implies constraint ( word root: to bind, to tie to …) which you probably don’t really mean.

    Understanding is comprised of 3 things:
    Affinity, Reality and Communication. These 3 form a interconnected triangle. By increasing one corner you will increase the other two.

    The third corner, Communication , is, in human relationships, more important than the other two. Communication is the solvent of all things. It dissolves things.

    Here is a full definition of Communication:

    “The consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source- point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a duplication and understanding of that which emenated from the source-point.”

    A “particle” is the thing being communicated. It can be an object, a written message, a spoken word or an idea.

    “Duplication” is the act of reproducing something exactly.

    Without “duplication” there is no understanding.

    “Listening” is a vital part of any communication for this above exact reason.

  • go_to_girl says:


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