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Question by ?Cƒ?z????? E??l A?????? I?¢????™: What do you think Pagans would say if someone started Breastfeeding during a Pagan ritual?

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Answer by Smurf
Oh Hestia! 😉

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22 Responses to What do you think Pagans would say if someone started Breastfeeding during a Pagan ritual?

  • RedQueen says:

    I doubt they’d say a word. In fact, the pagans who answered my question about breastfeeding seemed to be most supportive.

  • Beer Goggles says:

    “She’s just exercising her pagan rites.”

  • Ghost In The Shell says:

    i think they would be all for it 😉

  • slave of 12 Gods says:

    “can I have some too?”

  • Evil ?ª???æ? (((Debra))) says:

    “Can I hold him/her when you’re done?”


  • ? says:

    Nothing. Pagans don’t care about naked breasts or haven’t you heard or practicing sky clad?

  • ~Heathen Princess~ says:

    I’d be surprised if they even noticed to be honest.

  • Been There Brilliantly DoneThat! says:

    “They” would say nothing,.however I believe they may think,…”Blessed Be!”

  • Cattie-brie loves Donkeys says:

    I doubt any of the Pagans I know would have a problem with it. After all, it is an act of nature and that’s what Pagans are all about.

  • ?d? so??? ?nlqblue chaos jpa says:

    The Mother at her finest!

  • Miss Scarlett says:

    They would probably smile and give Mom a high five when she was done.

    Seriously-I can’t believe how controversial this topic is, when it’s so utterly natural.

    Haha. I made a funny.

  • baron von strudel JPAA ART says:

    I’d be surprised if there were any objection… though I guess maybe someone might have a problem with a mother bringing her young child into the circle if they were raising serious energy…

  • Deacana Frost says:

    answer: not much. A wonderful part of nature.

  • Abriel Lokiskona says:

    I’d be wondering what a child was doing in a ritual circle in the first place. Children have no place in ritual.

    Sorry, but I have certain lines that I draw. Celebrations, fine. But serious rituals are not places for disruptive children, especially babies who are going to get cranky with hunger. And I can’t see someone sucessfully raising energy while breast feeding a baby either.

  • Vincent The Valentine says:

    Absolutely nothing. It is natural afterall, thank the Goddess. 🙂

  • Sandi K says:

    Nothing is more natural and earthy than to breastfeed your child. I don’t think anyone would mind.

  • ? says:

    No one would pay any attention. It’s a non-issue.

  • Phoenix - pagan 1/2 of JPA says:

    Nothing, absolutely nothing.

  • amemahoney says:

    I think it depends on what kind of ritual. Children aren’t allowed at some actual rituals that I’ve been to, while at others young children are allowed. But I’ve never personally seen anyone bring a kid young enough to breast feed to a ritual, though I have seen them at the ritual setting/grounds. This has been especially true at Wiccan circles I have attended.

    I don’t see any problem with kids at a ritual, for the most part, though many rituals are focused on “raising energy.” That could be pretty hard to do when you are giving your energy to someone else (a child), and if the child is crying or distracting others from the ritual. Many rituals have a “no talking in circle” rule (the ones I’ve been to) in order to help make sure that people are concentrating on what they are there for – the ritual.

    Outside of ritual though, every Pagan I’ve ever met is extremely supportive of breast feeding.

  • Labgrrl is sorry for your lots. says:

    Most likely: “Um…where did that child come from? This circle is for members of this coven. Is that child here of its own free will and as a Wiccan in its own standing? No? Then why is it here? Do you think this is like those forms of Christianity where a parent gets to dictate the kid’s religion?!”

  • kaplah says:

    I doubt anyone would say anything. Breastfeeding is a natural thing and mothers and children are sacred.

    Of course the Wiccans might say something about it interfering with raising energy and free will and how disruptive babies are, but most Pagans perform rituals to worship, not to “raise energy” and babies are 100% welcome.

  • kevin c says:

    beutiful bub then stand back so as to aviod helping out with the burping

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