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Question by Starspecks: What do you think the native american “water babies”, “immortals”, “tiny people” truly were?
Described as small, dwarf-like men in traditional Indian dress with long hair, the Water Babies were regarded as unusually potent spirit helpers, which lived along streams and water holes. The Water Baby was believed to enhance the power of the shaman. Do you think these were faeries that have become extinct or in hiding, alien guides, or just the influence of hallucinogens in native american culture? Before answering also look into the discovery of “Pedro the Mountain Mummy” which can be found here
im glad so many find it interesting, but some answers would be nice

Best answer:

Answer by the Ol’ Foolosifer
The Cherokee of North Carolina have a legend about little people also. As I remember they’re about the size of rabbits and are seldom seen.
As to the truth in these legends, I believe there is at least a modicum of truth in most, if not all legends, so, I must believe there are or were small, little and tiny people at one time or another. The stories are too wide spread and considering that a thousand years ago or more, communications were near to non-existent between the continents and even among the different peoples of the same continent for this legend not to have some truth aligned to it.

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2 Responses to What do you think the native american “water babies”, “immortals”, “tiny people” truly were?

  • Sylvia F says:

    As this question ask us “what do you think” then I feel more able to answer.
    To be totally honest, my only thoughts (knowledge) of the Water Babies come from stories I have heard (long before the disney film).
    It is a story that has stayed with me from my infant days at school, in which, of course, there was no mention of the power of the shaman.
    I would like to think that they were. as you describe potent spirit helpers who lived along the streams and water holes.
    Sadly, we cannot think they are now extinct, or they may hide away until a more appreciated time will “happen”, and they may reappear to guide the people to a place of wonderful happiness.
    Because we know, if they ever had there time, then that time is forever gone…
    More likely the drugs (from raw matierals) where the influence from hence they came ……

    Like the buffalo that once roamed free on the plains of america, the loins, tigers, leopards now even the elephants…
    They are no longer free to roam and make thier mark on the evolutionary exisistance..
    We have taken over all of everything..
    PS:) love the story …

  • Dragon Wizard says:


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