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Question by Individuality Liberty Justice: What does spiritual mean to you?
I think in todays culture the word spiritual is totally misunderstood.
Spiritually Speaking appears on R&S numerous times and has even been used like spiritually speaking which digital camera do you like, etc Christians say spiritual leaders or spiritual book or spiritual words when really they are referring to something material. New agers play songs about 9 monkeys on the bed one jumped off and hit his head and think pulling slips of paper out of a purple bag at random with some words on it thats supposed to be inspiration for the week is spiritual or metaphysical or that watching a movie and eating popcorn is some how metaphysical, (go to a unity church if you don’t believe me) Atheists doubt it and use the word spiritual in a joking way meaning nothing. The way that word is used today I could call relieving myself “a spiritual (or metaphysical) journey to the abyss of the toilet and back” (a “metaphysical” or “spiritual” and comically used place in itself that has a special place in western civilization that is both scorned and adored and that has about the same meaning) Spiritual originally meant life or spirit was the “breath of life” or “life force” or “body electric” or “chi” and was used in meditation and opening your soul to a more infinite consciousness. In pagan times spiritual was communicating with nature and our beautiful and still wonderful companions the ancient gods. We had an ability to sense and feel mother earth and the trees and the flowers and animals and creativity and a liberated mind was looked up to instead of mocked. Humanity was at peace and had all of its mind abilities until the great black cloud of monotheism reared its ugly head and smote this peace. Spirit means life and liberation always remember that.

Best answer:

Answer by Alena
it’s basically being religious

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7 Responses to What does spiritual mean to you?

  • chiffmonkey says:

    Spritiually speaking, no.

  • IM KING KONG says:

    spiritual is whatever people want it to be. though i think music, exercises, yoga/thai chi, nature and even sports have their own spiritual meaning.

  • EddieJ says:

    It’s mostly a meaningless word that totally depends on other words in whatever context it is used.

    For example, the spirituality imbued in each McDonald’s hamburger will enhance your dining experience.

  • Just Plain Bob says:

    “Spiritually speaking” shows up in the question headers in R&S a lot, because people aren’t really asking questions on topic and are trying to get their questions posted in R&S by making the questions fit the topic by relating it to “spiritual” matters.

  • Christ says:

    Spirituality encompasses all Religions and Religious beliefs and verily transcends them as well. Spirituality takes you to God closer than any man made Religions. God consciousness, Enlightenment and Self realization is acquired by Spirituality. Religion is created by man as a tool to control power, wealth and people.

    All morals & values are essentially view points. The idea of God is to transcend all view points, Religions, sects, traditions, beliefs and realise the totality i.e. all inclusive – oneness of God in every being.

    Pre-requisite to see the truth of God is –
    1) Un-conditional love to all beings
    2) Surmount the desires, attachment and material possessions. Give up all desires and wander free from hankering, false ego and possessiveness.

    God is everywhere. God shall be realized by one who considers everything as (a manifestation or) an act of God. Desire for sense objects comes from attachment to sense objects, and anger comes from unfulfilled desires. By controlling the senses first, kill this devil of material desire that destroys
    Self-knowledge and Self-realization. One who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, is a wise person. Such a person has accomplished everything.

    God is non-dual and belongs to all Religions alike. (Formless God, with no beginning or end) One truth and One God can be perceived only with unconditional love and compassion to all beings. Every religion, every religious sect, all traditions, beliefs, practices and every God from the past, present and future merges finally into the infinite Godhead.

    Physical action is far inferior to an intellect concentrated on the Divine. Have recourse then to Pure Intelligence. It is only the petty-minded who work for reward. When a man attains to Pure Reason, he renounces in this world the results of good and evil alike. Cling thou to Right Action. Spirituality is the real art of living.

  • slamman138 says:

    A vision of life that sees more rather than less in people, experience and the world around us. A negative view sees only the minimum necessary to dismiss, ridicule or hurt.

  • II Timothy 3:16-17. says:

    @:”What does spiritual mean to you?”

    Connected With The Most High Father of the Universe.
    PSALMS 68:4.

    Don’t allow the ignorance of King James Scribes fool you with that >out of era< J. Halle Lu YAH!!! Praise You YAH!!!

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