What Else You Should Know About Common Tarot Spreads
While performing a tarot reading, the shuffled deck is spread out on a surface in a particular pattern. This pattern of arranging the deck by spreading it out is known as SPREAD or SPREADS. There are a variety of patterns or spreads in which the deck can be arranged. A number is assigned to each position in the spread, usually. This querent card is known as the Significator.
Common Spreads
Celtic Cross
This one is the commonest and the most popular spread using 10 cards. Card 1 represents the present, card 2 represents the querent’s imminent challenge, card 3 is for foundation and distant past, card 4 stands for events in the more recent past, card 5 stands for the best that can be attained, the immediate future is represented by card 6, card 7 is for feelings or mental factors that affect the situation, external influences are represented by card 8, card 9 signifies fears or hopes or anticipations and the final outcome is signified by card 10.
1 Card Spread
It comprises a single card.
3 Card Spread
The 3 cards stand for past, present and future respectively.
Astrological Spread
12 cards, representing 12 signs of the zodiac are arranged in a circle. Significator is the 13th card put in the middle.
Horse Shoe
You have to spread out 7 cards in a V shape or in a semicircle. Probable Outcomes, best course of actions, fears/hopes/expectations, obstacles, inspiration, present and the past are represented by the cards.
You have to position 10 cards in a pyramid of 4 rows. The 4 elements earth, air, water and
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