fire are represented by each row. The top row consists of a single card the Significator.
Yin Yang Spread
When 2 parties are at loggerheads with each other or stuck over some specific difficulty/problem and cannot see eye to eye , you can use the Yin Yang spread to shed light on the situation and find out a solution to the problem that will satisfy all parties.
The basis of this spread is the familiar circular symbol. This consists of 1 white and 1 black shape. A central line defines it.
Relationship Spread
Like the CELTIC CROSS, it also involves 10 cards. The ten cards from 10 to 1 represent eventual outcome, fears and hopes, impediments that you have to overcome, beneficial energies, attitude of the querent, outside influences, future influences, the present, recent past and distant past.
Ellipse Spread
This one is a 7 card spread where cards 7 to 1 signify final result, fears and hopes, outside factors, course of action, future influence that will matter, present influences, and past influences.
Some other spreads include general 9 Card Spread, Tree of Life Spread, Horoscope Spread, Chakra Spread, Mirror Spread, Five Card Spread, Diamond Spread, Mandala Spread and Astarte’s Own Spread.
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