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try and stop you from pursing what is really important. These could be such things as the daily pressures of life, the pressures of society, or things going on in your own mind. With the pressures of life it might be family or friends who are telling you that your idea is stupid. In your own mind you might be telling yourself that you are worthless and you will fail. It might be other things.

Second, once you step out and actively pursue your vision, there will be further enemies. It might be the same ones that initially tried to stop you, or it might be barriers that you face as you go on your journey.

The important point here is that you need to know your enemies (your antagonists that will try and stop you from achieving your quest. To use a personal example, I have often had to deal with this. Because of my business relationships, I receive an inordinate number of demands to look at new ideas and opportunities and to spend time with people reviewing their business plans. When I evaluate them after doing them I realize that these encounters were most often unproductive, eating up my valuable time. Over the last few years I have had to consciously cut back on business engagements in order to devote more time to my passions, one of which is writing the book to help you live your passion. That’s not my only enemy.

We need to understand what will stop us from achieving our quest, to know those enemies, and deal with them. Remember that this story is your individual adventure. You must decide whether to step into the unknown, whether to know and prepare for your enemies once there, and whether to face challenges or give in to fear.

Concepts from Bring Your Vision to Life: The

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