Question by Druidess: What exactly is “sex magic”?
I read a little bit about people that claim to use the power of the orgasm in some sort of supernatural or magical way. Does anyone have any information on this? Serious answers only.
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Answer by drasago
Give me a call sometime…I’ll show you.
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My wife can harness it’s magic power to make me mow the lawns and put out the garbage
I was going to say it, but drasago beat me to it.
When it comes to levitation, it pays to start small.
Me, The Dick and plenty of patience
The use of sexual energy and visualization, particularly at the moment of climax, to obtain a desired result or manifest some effect on external reality. More properly sex magick.
This is sex magick
Over the course of human history there have been hordes of people claiming to have magical abilities – voodoo dolls, obscure incantations fueled by opiates, peyote induced trances or spells cast by way of orgasms amongst many, many others. Common to them all is that they are all make-believe. It’s not real. There’s no such thing as magic in the strict definition of the word, and whilst people might say a certain performance at a concert was “magical”, they do not actually mean it that way.
The only real magic that would be instantaneously recognizable as such, would be if kids (or people in general) were brought up and taught not to talk in a movie theater – that would indeed be nothing short of a miracle. (Paraphrased freely from Bill Hicks).
Like RHCP? Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik?
okay, i will explain it to the best of my understanding of it minus the cryptic talk.
magic(magick/majick/etc) is generaly accepted as tapping into our subconsious mind.
it is using our mind to docus our intent and using our subconsious mind to fulfil that desired outcome.
sex magic is magic done whil part or all of a ritual involves sex.
the idea stems from the idea that our consious mind during sex
focuses all of the ritual around the desired outcome, the orgasm temporarily give control to the subconsious and lets the body continue with the orgasm with a second of having absolutly no thought occuring in your mind.
this moment allows your subconsious to release it energy into the universe and continue doing whatever the original intent of the ritual was supposed to do.
this is my understandingof what it is supposed to do.
and gotta love the name
druids rock.
if i had to choose a religion and believe in something i would be a pagan.