Question by ptp: What exactly is this sex I hear so much about?
Okay I’m 16 so I know what actually happens in sex. With the poking and all… But I was just curious what other people thought about it? Is it something that is really fun and I should do it as soon as I can or is it something I should wait until I’m married too do so i can be more magical? Can someone tell me what they think about ‘sex’ so I can decide whether I should do it with my girl? Please tell me why you think that way about it too.
Okay how would I ever actually understand sex unless i have it?
Best answer:
Answer by Roxy
You are only 16 i would wait to do it with someone you love, And when you actually understand “sex”
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wait until ur married. the gift of ur virginity is something you should wait and give it to someone you really love, not a 16 year old girl you think you love. dont make a tragic mistake that 2,ooo teenages make all around america each day, which is to have it and then get pregnant when they dont even have jobs. also if you have “it” with two people (ur girlfriend and your wive someday) it can lead up to serious illnesses which may lead to death. also, do u think ur wive will be too pleased to hear u had it with another girl when u were teens, so it wouldnt be magical like you said and think about your girlfriend, dont make her life misrible by making her have a child and then you leave her. dont give into pure preasure also. hope this helps!
bra don’t listen to these stupid bible thumping chicks and guys sex is fucking fun as hell but it depends on the girl if you get a real kinky one then your in for a good time but a really conservative one then itll be alrite nothing special trust me man do it when ever you can that’s why your a man that’s our mission in life is to get laid with as many girls and as many times as we can before we get tied down its our nature all you need to learn is how to play the game