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essence a doctor of energy dynamics.

Among the most popular types of healers include those that practice Shamanism, Reiki, Sound Healing, and Quantum Touch.

Shamanism is an ancient practice that has been alive for centuries within many different types of cultures. In fact, it’s rare that a culture doesn’t have a shaman of at least some type, even if they don’t go by that name.

The Shaman is a person that has usually spent years training under another Shaman. Most have knowledge of herbs and medicines, sacred ceremonies and rituals, and words or stories of wisdom. These are woven together to help keep a person’s soul or spirit in balance as well as improve the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of an individual.

Reiki is a form of hands on healing. The idea behind Reiki is that energy comes from the universal energy, enters into the healer’s body, and leaves by the hands of the healer to enter into and work on and with the client. This energy helps to restore lost energy and patch up any holes that may be in the aura. It can also be used to clear chakras.

Sound Healing is the process of using Tibetan or crystal bowels and allowing the vibrations of sound to work healing miracles on a person’s body, emotions, mind, and soul. A sound healer is capable of playing these beautiful sounds and in doing so clears the aura and restores the person to balance.

Finally, Quantum Touch is a specialized form of healing that uses the breath to raise a person’s vibration so that it matches a healthy vibration thereby allowing the client to learn to heal themselves.

In all cases, healing usually works on a progressive level starting with the spirit, going to the mind, down

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