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Question by All Religion is Pagan: What If One day You Met God and she showed you that all religion and the Bible were all Lies?
Well, there is no need to meet God to learn that Christianity and the bible as well as all religion / The Devil are just man made power trips to control the weak minded. Just look at history, Why is the life of Jesus the same as all the pagan gods worshiped at the time the 1st church invented the life of Jesus. Research for your self and you will be free

Best answer:

Answer by Andrea E
Maybe. Maybe not. I guess we’ll know more when this life comes to an end. But, at the end of the day, whether you believe in any god(s) and/or goddess(es) or not, if you go to bed knowing that you are positively contributing to society and you feel good about your life- well, then what does it matter?

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10 Responses to What If One day You Met God and she showed you that all religion and the Bible were all Lies?

  • Doctor Love says:

    What if you met Zeus and he told you that he’s not a she?

  • Chloé L. says:

    Dogma is manmade. But whether the bible is full of lies or not, does it really matter? The spiritual truths contained within are the important things. It is when people ignore the spiritual truths and dwell on the unimportant matters contained within, that’s when problems occur. In certain sections, the bible teaches that God is love. Should I ignore that truth because I do not agree with many of the other things contained within? I believe that God is love, my loving Divine Mother. It doesn’t matter how others perceive God, as God is spiritual and thus abstract. All descriptions of God are incorrect, thus they are all correct.

  • Aiden Santos says:

    Everything in the Bible has background history that explains how everything happened. Science is stupid, and my best and favorite subject is Science, to make these assumptions. The Bible is true whether you believe it or not and I know that it is. It all makes sense if you were to read the Bible as a whole and not just parts. And if you were to meet God, that would be proof right there that it is real.

  • future says:

    You need to fucus on what Jesus said – Book of John. Try it. He was there to preach against exactly the garbage you are talking about and “religiousity” in place from compassion.
    90% of his time was spent railing against religious leaders and religious hypocrites. I bet there is a lot more there that you agree with than you think.
    Then when the fairy tale part starts you can put it down.

  • Jeancommunicates says:

    God’s Word has already proved that it is correct. Too many prophesies have been fulfilled accurately. Over 100 prophesies were fulfilled at Jesus’ first coming and there are 300 prophesies or 3 times more prophesied about Jesus’ second coming. You need to get ready to meet Jesus. He is coming soon.

    The Lord Jesus is in a category all by Himself. You need to research because you have a whole bunch of wrong information. History portrays Christ in such a way that no man can reject the facts that He walked this earth performing great miracles. A fisherman as well as a doctor wrote about Christ Jesus. Pontius Pilot wrote of him and the followers of Christ lost their lives because they refused to deny Him. Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder, and many other historians wrote about Christ and His Christians.

    Hang in There My Friend! Ezekiel’s war is coming soon and God says that He will make Himself known to the heathen. Read Ezekiel 38 and learn to understand Scripture because it has never, never, never been wrong.

  • Uncle Thesis says:

    Your recommendation: “research for yourself” might be good advice for yourself.
    Although you seem to have done some research, with all due respect, you haven’t dug deep enough.
    What Jesus started, was foretold to become corrupted.
    If I may make reference: Acts 20:29,30.
    His illustration of ‘wheat’ & ‘weeds’ provides the same idea. Matthew 13:24-30.
    What you call ‘Christianity’ really isn’t.
    It is the corrupted version, the fake version, the hypocritical, counterfeit version.
    However, if thre is a counterfeit version, there is also a real version.
    Although I don’t intend to meet God, there is reason to believe ‘it’ will be happy I trusted in the book provided.
    He is capable of producing a book, you know?

  • seeker of jehovah says:

    then that entity or what ever it is would not be god

    it would be a demon trying to deceive

    what you say is not true

    the bible is the word of god and he has confirmed it

    the life of jesus is not the same as all the pagan gods

    you are trying to make that assumption which is not true

    jesus life was not invented he was a real person

  • Tristen says:

    You research was clearly biased. You were obviously looking for evidence to back up your preconceived opinions about the God of the Bible.

    Having studied the Bible for almost 20 years, I have found that your claims are spurious. They are not based on an objective analysis of ‘all of’ the evidence. You have also thrown a large amount of assumption and interpretation into your conclusions.

    Even if your claims of religious similarities were true, they would not logically invalidate the possibility that the Christian faith is true.

    There is more primary textual evidence supporting the accuracy of the Biblical account of Christ, then for any other historical person or event (from Biblical manuscripts, non-Biblical Christian sources, Non-Christian sources and anti-Christian sources). Some of these sources date back to the contemporary times of Jesus. How did your research fail to pick up on these?

    So to answer your original question; No Christian worth their metal would be prepared to reconsider their faith based on a pejorative hypothetical.

  • Sue says:

    Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created…..”

    John 14: 6 ” I am the way the Truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but by Me.” Jesus Christ is speaking.

    One day you / I Will meet God face to face / we will bow in His presense / All will acknowledge God as Lord of Lord and King of Kings. But we are also told that Then it will too late to change your mind and admit that God is real after all.

    Read God’s Word / New Testament / Gospels. The life of Jesus Christ was unique / He performed miralces to point to people that He was indeed God in the flesh. His death, buriel and bodily resurrection from the dead and being seen by many afterwards Proved that He was indeed Christ the Lord.

    Many folk have researched Scripture Josh McDowell — C.S. Lewis were non-believers until they researched and were Freed by salvation.

  • ripper12 says:

    Why do you mostly argue about the bible being true or not. Most christians would have you believe that it is true. They do not see any lies about mankind living in the belly of a whale or any other preposterous story written about 2000 years ago. The only time I have is NOW. Any other time to be considered is now, sooner or later time will be seen as now. Now is the only time I have.

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