What is a Birth Chart? And Where to Get One
Birth chart is a horoscope that illustrates the position of the stars and planets during the time and place you were born. It is also known as the natal chart, nativity chart, natus chart, radix and genethliac chart. The chart can tell several things about a person such as his personality, relationship, and career. Free birth/natal charts are available online at the following sites: 0800-horoscope.com, chartplanet.com, freehoroscopesastrology.com, astrolife.com, and astrosage.com.
A birth or natal chart is a personalized horoscope reading based ones birth date, time and place. This will help you determine who you really are and why such things happen. Here are some things the chart can interpret:
Whatever your strengths and weaknesses are, the birth/natal chart will determine your inner character.
The chart will analyze the compatibility between you and your partner.
Some people ask for birth charts to determine their future career or profession.
To avail of the free birth charts, the following websites will help you interpret everything about you:
0800-horoscope – 0800-horoscope.com
Learn more about astrology and get your free birth chart at this site, which offers personalized horoscope, tarot reading, and more.
ChartPlanet – chartplanet.com
Get your free natal chart to help you understand your natural character through your strengths and weaknesses.
FreeHoroscopeAstrology – freehoroscopesastrology.com
On this site, you can get your free birth chart, zodiac chart, and personal astrology reading.
Astrolife – astrolife.com
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