Question by r4di0sensitive: what is a good tarot deck for beginners?
i want to find a good tarot deck, can anyone tell me them name and the reason why it is good for beginners. also can you tell me were i can find it around the chicago area?
Best answer:
Answer by Loki
They’re all the same and work the same.
Meaning they all don’t work.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Old maid is pretty good.
The tarot Deck for Beginners. V2.0
All tarot decks work the exact same, Some may be slightly different, in the case of japanese tarot cards, or celtic tarot cards, but they are practically all the same, And look around your downtown area for a new age shop, phsycic shop, even a shop that sells tons of different stuff. And perhaps ask the lady with the 32 silver necklaces on the bus. (Seriously, ask random people who look lieke they might know a thing or two).
Ryder Waite is the standard… most modern card decks are a variation on this design. However, this is not the original… you can read up on tarot and card reading history for more details..
which deck is right for YOU? Is the one that is given to you, ends up in your lap, or on your search through stores for cards… the one that speaks to your spiritual and personal preferences the most. (it might ‘call’ to you, or you just might think the pictures are stunningly beautiful, you’ll find out!)
Where? Barns and Noble and Borders… I would suggest looking up a new-age or pagan store. You can use a search engine to find such businesses in your area, I’m sure there are plenty around a city like Chicago!
Good Luck! Bless!
A regular deck of playing cards are tarot cards, Baby. During the days of witch hunts the tarot deck was broken down so that if someone was caught doing a reading they could act as though they were actually just playing a card game.
-When asked this question I always answer the Rider-Waite deck, or Rider-Waite-Smith which even comes in several sizes now. As already stated it is pretty much the standard, and many many other decks are based on the RWS. The reason is it so good for beginners is because there is a LOT of information out there about the deck in the form of books and internet sites. Also ALL the cards are illustrated, even the “pips” or suite cards. You can always start with it and then shop around for a deck that really speaks to you, it’s important that you like and connect with the card imagery. You can view a number of decks at and they also have an extensive section on card meanings.
Good luck, Blessed Be!
EDIT: can be found at major book stores or online
Go to a new age type store, and look through the selection. In my opinion, it’s important to find a deck where you like the pictures. Pictures in a style you like, are more likely to talk to your psyche, the real goal of Tarot. You should then read a book on Tarot, I suggest a book that combines Jungian psychology and Tarot reading. My personal favorite is probably Tarot as a Way of Life.
The Tarot deck you choose as a beginner should be a more well known deck only because you will be able to find more information on meanings etc. Some of the lesser known decks have card variations and it might be more difficult.
The Raider Waite deck is the most used. I use the Mythic Tarot which is based on Greek Mythology because I was taught with that deck. It comes with a book and cloth to lay your cards on. It has been very good for me.
Almost all New Age book stores will carry decks. The bigger the store, the more selection you will have.
OMG! how cool is this? i have the same question(i asked a similer one 10 sec. ago) and im from chicago looking for a tarot deck lol.
i think im gonna get mine either from Borders or this new age shop by my house.
Hiya, The Rider Waite is one of the most popular decks. The reason that it became so popular is because the traditional tarot decks that came before it, generally did not have pictures for the minor suits. Pamela Coleman Smith who illustrated the deck said that the images that she drew had come to her in the form of dreams and that it was all very mystical and this added to the power of the deck.
Occultists realized that it was easier to interpret the tarot when the minor suits had pictures instead of just symbols and numbers to help them. In this respect the Rider Waite deck was very unique and this in turn led to its popularity.
Today the Rider Waite deck is still one of the best know decks and there are many books about interpreting its symbolism. Therefore if you would like a good starting point then this could be the deck for you. However there are some absolutely fabulous decks out there today and once you have mastered the basic idea of tarot, then there is no reason why you could not move on to a deck that you prefer.
My advice: learn the basics using the best known deck i.e. the Rider Waite and then if and when you are ready, then move on to another deck if you so choose, its about the deck you ultimately connect with that counts. There are plenty of online tarot stores just Google it. Hope this helps.
I went to a book store & picked the deck that ‘felt’ right for me.
My first (and most used) deck is the Aquarian Tarot. It may look a bit “new agey” but it’s user friendly!
I gave you links to look at the tarot pics of this deck.