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Question by frankieleo: What is a meaning/purpose of going on vision quest?

Best answer:

Answer by shaken_not_stirred
isn’t it to find a particular vision?

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5 Responses to What is a meaning/purpose of going on vision quest?

  • C93 says:

    To help you find your path through life.

  • me says:

    so that you can brag to all your friends that you are visionified and stuff.

    really, i think it is to find yourself. in this world we get so little “me” time that it is necessary to live in the desert for three days with no contact in order to look inside.

  • snoweagleltd says:

    The Vision Quest is an Amerindian ritual. In some ways similar to Jesus spending 40 days in the desert after he was baptised. the purpose is to cut off all distractions, even food and water until you go into an altered state of consciousness and receive your vision….Your lifegoal, yourself.

  • legal_mac says:

    The purpose of going on a vision quest is to learn who you are. One does not have to go far, but only remove yourself from others for a while. Then one must meditate by clearing the mind. This is more difficult than it may seem. Oftentimes, the answers one is seeking cannot be found on the web, in a book, or by asking a friend. Answers pertaining to one’s own existence can only be found by seeking the answers within oneself.

  • darknessisserenity says:

    there are many reasons, to find your true name, to seek a spirit guide, to answer specific questions, to get guidance for someone else. there are many ways to do a vision quest, outdoors with no food in the elements until you achieve an answer. drumming is also a way to achieve a vision, dancing will do the same thing. shamanic practitioners all over the world have there own methods depending on how they’re trained or their personal connection to spirit

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