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Question by eliud p: what is better a human paladin or a tauren shaman?
So I got WOW for Christmas and I was reading the manual and it said that both the paladin and shaman are similar. I want to know their qualities and their flaws, and which is fun to play as?

Best answer:

Answer by Nintendo Freak
Well im not too sure on a shaman (because I have never been one.) But Paladin is a lot of fun. Paladins can ressurect, heal, and do massive holy damage as well as tank. But Shamans…..All I know is that they rely on elemental powers. But what i think you have to do in wow is that you have to find what class and race suitsyou the best. I used to be an orc hunter but i found no fun in playing as him but now im a blood elf paladin and I enjoy it a LOT.

What do you think? Answer below!

3 Responses to what is better a human paladin or a tauren shaman?

  • Aaron M says:

    depends on what you’re going to be doing in game. both paladins and shamans are exceptional damage doers, but paladins can be tanks, which gives them that aspect of the game. although both are valid healers, i personally like shaman healers better, but both are good. they’re also different leveling. paladins get mail, and later plate, which gives them more armor and easier soloing, while shamans get leather and then mail, which is less effective. really, its all about your personal preference. paladins use holy spells, and can really take out demons and undead, while shamans use nature spells, and have all around damage. plus shamans have totems, which give them certain buffs.

    so… its just preference.

  • Simply ? says:

    Depends…. I played both sides (alliance and horde) I prefer horde, just seems like people are a little more mature and better at pvp.

    As for pally v/s shaaman, I would pick pally. Try a bloodelf pally, shamans are cool but a pally is easier to level with and pvp with because of their durability.

    If you are only interested in pve than a shaaman has some amazing tools and spells.

    If you are that rare person who actually wants to use skill then it doesn’t matter which side or whch class you choose, but thats rare.

  • Numbers Quest says:

    For some reason kids always pick Alliance, they tend to have a hard time working together. Horde works together much better and usually crushes Alliance in battlegrounds, at least on my realm.

    I too would pick a Horde class and either go Tauren Shaman or Blood Elf Paladin.

    If you want to tank, pick Paladin and go protection or possible Ret but you have to have the right gear. If you want to heal pick Shaman (one of the best healers) or Holy Paladin (another great healer). It all depends on what job you want to do in a group (tank, dps, heals, etc.)

    Good Luck

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