Your Blocks are Subconscious. Don’t be discouraged. Every Witch has stories of Hit and Missing with Spells. Magick is an ART. Approach it that way and you will see WONDERS! Link to download the ebook. Very Short READ BUT POWERFUL! All your questions about why spells dont work for the most part will be answered and solutions given. www.yousendit.com The PASSWORD is : mymagicallife DO NOT COPY AND PAST THE PASSWORD. You have to type it out
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Darkness !!!
Everything starts in the darkness. So darkness is great. Repeated positive affirmations and creative visualization of things that you want to create is the way to get results. And don’t forget the power of belief.
ok, it says the link is invalid
Respect Goddess, the link is gone. May i please have it
Very VERY informative, thanks a lot for the video
@sweetgorgeousgoddess Evil exists in the MIND of the Magician. If you think it is evil then it will be. Magick is all about INTENTION.
I am not afraid at all I have always had an interest in these things I just didn’t want to part of anything evil and thats the only question I think I really have about this. Would this be considered like evil?
@neobaul Check your email
Hi. You are wonderful! I’d like to get a copy of the book or anything else you have to offer as long as i can afford it. Here is my email: cloudgazerr@yahoo.com. (That’s 2 r’s). Thx.
Hi. Can you please send me a copy of the ebook? My adress: ritellus@gmail.com
Thank you
Hi. Can you please send me a copy of the ebook? My adress: ritellus@gmail.com
Thank you
Hi. Can you send me a copy of the ebook ? My email: ritellus@gmail.com
Thank you
@12fivebyfive its already there, when you feel mistreated you stand up for yourself. When you feel like you want to do something you normally wouldn’t do, you do it. As long as it causes no harm to yourself and others. Little by Little you start giving yourself permission to GO AGAINST THE GRAIN and what other people think. You will see your Dark “I dont give a crap” side come out more and more..lol
how do you bring out the dark side
Very interesting audio
Could you pls send me the link on mentioned book?
1223334444aw @ google.com
Hi, can I please get this link? My email address is apple26bottom@yahoo.com. Namaste
can you send me a copy of the book you mentioned please the link is not working for me …. velvets_vivid_day_dreams@msn.com, thank you
something’s wrong with the link
Greetings, my sister… Is the link still working ? I wasn’t able to retrieve the information for the book. I setup an account the site… However, the message I gets says
This download link is invalid and there is no file associated with it.
Please contact the sender directly to obtain the correct link.
Perhaps you can send me the link to exquisite171@yahoo.com…
Can you tell the name and author of the book?
I respect and love women. The world is mess up. thats why the bible is here to help BM and BW on the path of rightousness. I can see something is wrong with BW today. Not just BW, Its the BM. The focus is on the BM. Women like you supposed to remind the BM and be helpmates. The devil is doing a good job decieving BW to keep BM away from God. when BW rebel against God, they become Jezebels in the bible and aquire gifts from the devil which is witchcraft and sourcery. Fear the simple truth.
“This download link is invalid and there is no file associated with it.”
This saddens me because I really want to recieve as much information on this as possible.
Thank-you for sharing this knowledge. How long should you meditate in the dark? Do you need to be alone or can someone else join you?
Hi watched your video and wasn’t able to get to the link for ebook you spoke of could you send me the info on the ebook. I have really been enjoying you videos.
Wow your message is awesome and makes a lot of sense! Why can I ever connect with someone with your level of knowledge?