Halloween – Hallow’en!
In A.D.1000 the church further made November 2nd ‘All Souls Day’ to include all those who had died in the name of Christianity, not just the Saints and Martyrs. It was celebrated similar to that of Samhain with big bonfires, parades and dressing up with Christian symbolism of devils, the bloodied & tortured Saints and biblical angels!
The combination of the three days was then called Hallowmass.
How Should We Celebrate Halloween Today!
The Christian festival of Halloween is ONLY about commemorating those who have died in the name of Christianity and perhaps a reminder about our own fragile mortality.
If you see those dressed as evil witches remember, it is Christianity and it’s infamous witch hunts that originally portrayed witchcraft as evil. The Christian philosophy has always been to convert others to Christianity and it’s damnation of paganism was (and still is) a mightily effective one!
The Celtic or Wiccan ‘Witch’ in fact, treasured the earth and it’s sacred cycles. Rather than ‘evildoers’, they were the highly respected and important healers of the society. They had knowledge of herbal remedies and medicine and worked in tune with the forces of nature to help others. They felt the earth and all of it’s creatures should live in harmony and balance!
The modern Witch of our day will more likely spend the evening of Samhain meditating in quiet reflection. Remembering those that have passed over, the year just gone and all they have learned. Perhaps they will partake of ‘the feast of the dead’ and offer a plate for those missing at their table.
Perhaps, and let us hope so,