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Here is a quick list of the different types of Reiki I have come across: Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Gendai Reiki, Rainbow Reiki, Five Element Seichem, Seichim or Seichem or Sekhem, Tera-Mai® and Tera-Mai® Seichem, Shamballa Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Imara Reiki, Raku Kei Reiki, Shamanic Reiki, The Radiance Technique® (TRTAI), Reiki Plus®, Johrei or Jo Reiki, Men Chho Reiki® or Medicine Dharma Rei Kei©, Traditional Japanese Reiki, Satya Japanese Reiki, Reiki Jin-Kei Do©, EnerSense-Buddho, Golden Age Reiki, New Life Reiki, Blue Star Reiki, Mari el®, Saku Reiki, Sun Li Chung Reiki, Jinlap Reiki or Tibetan Jinlap Maitri Reiki, Chi Sekai Reiki, Vajra Reiki, and Violet Flame Reiki. I’m sure this is not an exhaustive list. Do your own research. This will help get you started. 

I would once again like to reiterate that there is no one best method. It is what you feel drawn to, the integrity and humility of your Master Reiki teacher, and intent. If a teacher says their method of Reiki is superior to others then I would say that is a red flag of ego. I do not connect with arrogance. Follow your intuition. All healing modalities have their place. 

In closing, an empowering way to live one interpretation of Reiki and its teachings is to practice The Five Spiritual Principles of Reiki Plus:

1) Just for today, I shall trust2) Just for today, I shall do my work honestly3) Just for today, I shall accept my many blessings4) Just for today, I shall be at peace5) Just for today, I shall respect the rights of all life formsI’ll leave you with a very

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