What is Shaman?
A Shaman is said to be a medium or messenger between the spiritual and the human worlds. As such they are able to go into a trance to enter the spiritual world where they will meet with their spiritual guides. This enables them to act as a healer as they restore balance in each realm. Such spiritual healing is done in the spirit world rather than the physical, human world.
Such trance-like states may be entered into by various means such as drumming, dance, deprivation or using hallucinogens found in plants such as mushrooms or herbs.
The Shamans role is also one of a destroyer of excess negative energies that can cause illness be it physical, mental or emotional. They are also seen as a mediator between the living and the dead and are said to help their communities by passing messages and gifts back and forth.
Shamanism is an ancient tradition practised by people who are usually uneducated by western standards. However, elements of shamanism have been adopted by the New Age movement. Present day Shamans will give consultants a psychic reading that is designed to make the person more aware of whom they are. This is done by getting their energy to flow through them in the correct manner to bring about health, happiness and good fortune.
Psychic reading occurs when a shaman or other person tries to connect to a metaphysical realm for the purpose of getting insights and information about a specific person and their problem. It is not always necessary for them to go into a trance, as tools such as tarot cards, runes or numerology may be used. These tools are used in
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