Get Adobe Flash player Sandra Ingerman Shamanic teacher trainer. Get up close and personal. Learn deep healing insights from shaman film. Benefit from mini healing retreat at home on DVD.
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Deep in the heart of the Amazon, a Shaman shares the healing plant medicine with several souls. Clip taken from the movie “Plant Teacher – Ayahuasca Expedition” which premiered at the 2003 Latino Film Festival.

26 Responses to What is Shamanism from Shaman Sandra Ingerman

  • zimij325 says:

    I love your setting. The little statue is great. The cactus and aloe play well, and the crooked branch out there opposite the birds and feeders all really fill the space with wonder. Sublime…now where can we take this? Oh, about being open to the sickness of the world, it’s ‘insane’ but necessary for all involved. I’m working on slogans: “Products” are for slaves and traders of souls and make us sick. All we need is plants. DC sandwich-their balony on our bread(sorry) & Live well, be free.

  • acesonfire says:

    @salvadorianroberto you arent the only one buddy lol

  • salvadorianroberto says:

    @ppaappoo12 true…..but slavia scared the shit out of me

  • salvadorianroberto says:

    @punkv00 im sure the tv a child watches here is much better
    open up ur eyes where the blind ones

  • TheCureList says:

    Awesome video – check out our interview with Vegetalista Orlando Chujandama!

  • FeelOfFriction says:

    The children aren’t concealed from reality. Westerners are so hypocritical…

  • 6flakes says:

    smoke em peace pipe

  • punkv00 says:

    @ppaappoo12 no, i never had ayahuasca, but i have take many other medicine like hikuri, s.pedro, shrooms and 5-meo dmt (+ potent of dmt). You then say what you want, but the psyche of a child is not yet developed and as you can not somministare drugs or other psychological techniques, so psicdelici of any kind. this is my opinion.

  • ppaappoo12 says:

    @punkv00 Have you ever had Ayahuasca?
    This plant medicine is also good for children, if you ever experienc it you will understand.
    Notice also the child had a very small dose also.
    Much love.

  • punkv00 says:

    yes but, i’m not happy to see child (07:00) to take ayahuasca. For my opinion te pische of child is not prepar to this. My opinion. But nothing against this traditon.
    Very interesting video!
    (sorry 4 my horrible english)

  • phatars1 says:

    @HerbalArtist extract it from mimosa bark…look up DMT for the masses

  • wielderofdrumstix says:

    @HerbalArtist if u wanna know stuff like that i’d search Erowid, but i do know DMT is the chemical your brain produces when dreaming…

  • Akkr4m says:

    @HerbalArtist go sleep

  • HerbalArtist says:

    How do you make dmt?

  • jelle19821982 says:

    would be nice if candles where burning 🙂

  • wielderofdrumstix says:

    @BobDogAcl You do know that Ayahuasca is one of the most powerful hallucinogens known to man? It’s up there with DMT…

  • ricothorp says:

    you guys have no idea what you are talking about (except domsaleo). This isnt even a drug at all it is a medicine which guides you thoughts and opens your minds. I cannot even began to try and persuade you as you are all naive…..but you are so very, very wrong!

  • skirbyr says:

    lolz at all these idiots saying lsd is a chemical, so is this shit they mix it with tree bark to get the effect lololoz everything is chemical lol chemicals come from lolozzzz plants lololzzz

  • Zwickel says:

    @skirbyr hahaha oh man
    people that prefer chemicals…

  • eldruidacosmico says:

    heeey that song the lady is singing is Simon Diaz’s hahaha a traditional venezuelan singer

  • domsaleo says:

    @skirbyr Haha, oh how wrong you are….

  • valenbedoya says:

    que viva el yagesito! mis respetos a esta planta sanadora llena de sabiduria.

  • thewraith2143 says:

    no its a completely different drug

  • skirbyr says:

    bs its a poor mans lsd thats all, nothing more

  • 11hunabku11 says:

    Here’s what I just read about the shaman I am talking about: To become what he is he needed to undergo extensive training. Including a one year solitairy stay in the jungle, during which he had to take medicinal plant extracts daily, to let his body get used to the high frequencies he is working. So if you are going to trust somebody with your soul.. make sure you have a proper shaman. There are shamans with bad intentions too. Do your research.

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