What is Standing Between You and Your Prince Charming? Your Current Boyfriend!
For women, Prince Charming is more than a fantastical figure. Prince Charming is a description of what our ideals are of a man of strong character. So when it comes to romance, the problem is not that we don’t know what we want but rather recognizing the significance of letting go of someone who does not satisfy those ideals. When we find ourselves romantically involved with anything less than our hopes and expectations, what is standing between us and our Prince Charming is the current boyfriend.
Listening to our thoughts and feelings helps us to recognize when our current boyfriend is below par and thus standing in the way. Our thoughts and feelings are our personal red flags. Whenever we think or feel any of the following, these are our first signs that we have not met our ideal man: First, do we find ourselves disliking something about his character? Second, does he leave something to be desired? And third, do we question if he is the right one?
All of these indicate that there are concerns of inadequacy and doubt that exist in our relationship. Doubt and concern signify that we want something more and if we want something more there is no reason why we should not go out and get it.
First, a major red flag in any relationship is feelings of dislike. Any matter of disliking any particular trait is reason enough for concern. We are not speaking of concerns with petty things, but of those dislikes related to a person’s character. If we dislike a specific feature about a man and that feature is indicative of his nature, behavior, or habits, then our sentiments should not be put aside. Most especially, we should not overlook what we dislike by rationalizing it with those things that