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Question by Deukal: What is the big deal against Tarot Cards?
Every question ive been to, People seem to complain and wine about the “sin” or “stupidity” of tarot cards, in the whole entirety of everything. Why the negativity?

Best answer:

Answer by anthony h
it is playing with spirits and can be a portal to bad or evil spirits.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

11 Responses to What is the big deal against Tarot Cards?

  • Christ is the Lord says:

    The Christian God sees the use of Tarot cards as a sin. That’s why some oppose it.

  • Ruth Ann says:

    The negativity is more out of fear and/or ignorance.

  • robin says:

    they are the devils and you can get in real big trouble with about having demons visit you?

  • Upasakha Jason says:

    They think anything that is not straight from the Bible is of the Devil. So you have a few options here. First, you can just ignore them because they really don’t know what they’re talking about any way.

    Second, you might construct your own Urim and Thummim. They can’t really complain about that since it’s Biblical and serves the same purpose as Tarot cards.

    If you’re like me, though, you like the really cool pictures on the cards, so option 2 really isn’t that gratifying. Educating the people who gripe won’t help because they aren’t interested in learning anyway. Your best bet is just to ignore them and go on merrily with your life. Enjoy your Tarot Cards. They are no more malicious than playing cards.

    EDIT–I wouldn’t use them to fortell the future anyway. The future is uncertain, and a deck of 52 cards, all of whose spreads can be mathematically predicted, will not make it uncertain. What the Tarot is good for (IMO) is a self-administered Thematic Aperception Test.

    We all go through periods where our own thoughts and emotions are unabashedly chaotic. We can’t sort through them, and we’re carried along by them without understanding that sort of inner maelstrom. Introspection sometimes can stand for some scaffolding, and the Tarot is a reasonably decent tool for that purpose.

    It’s no more or less valid than the TAT, as far as I’m aware.

  • Robert says:

    Some people don’t understand that Tarot Cards do not tell the future. They are not magic. So if they don’t work then people think its stupid. If they do work then they must be evil. There is no magic its just a pretend game to play.

  • Metzae says:

    It’s because they’re worthless. I’m not being negative. They really are worthless. I had more than one tarot reading from more than one person and they all said conflicting things, NONE of which ever came true. Seriously, I am supposed to be married and dead already.

    The people that call it a sin or equate it to the occult are just religious nuts with their own occult to deal with. I wouldn’t pay them much mind. But seriously…tarot is completely false. I’m not trying to burst your bubble or anything. It’s just that I’ve been there, done that, and realized how pointless it is.

    There is a grrrreat book you should read sometime. It will make you a smarter person. I’m not saying you’re dumb by any means or that you’re not smart as it is. After all, you asked this question so you’re a seeker of knowledge. That book will just give you the tools to make you a more critical thinker. It helped me more than I ever expected.

  • Bubbles™ says:

    Deut 18:10-13 reads, There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, 11 or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For everybody doing these things is something detestable to God, and on account of these detestable things God your God is driving them away from before you. 13 You should prove yourself faultless with your God.

    Its demonic and should be left alone. it can cause a lot of problems!

  • bethanne says:

    People who complain are people who seem to have absolutely NO idea what the cards are.

    If you look at a typical deck, going from 0 (the Fool) to 21 (the Universe), it used to be used as a type of Journey through Life (starting out with no knowledge, earning life experiences along the way). A literal use of the cards was to show a Course that could be Possible if the person being read followed a specific path or made a decision; this ran directly in conflict with religions and religious ‘nuts’ who oppose any idea of free will, that you and you alone are responsible for your actions (and that would leave out the religious people who feel that they MUST tell you that you will burn in hell if you do anything they deem wrong).

    Early tarot decks were designed as teaching tools for people who could not read, and like astrology, were an actual active part of several religions, including Christianity and Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddism.

    And contrary to what naysayers bray about, the deck CANNOT tell you when you will die (only G*d knows that, and the Death Card actually symbolizes the end of an era or thought process or change), will not release the Devil (the Devil card symbolizes the inner demon that everyone has, and makes us think if we want to stay put and wallow in our misery or do something about it), and cannot tell you what lottery numbers to pick.

    These are simply cards. Anyone who has a deck of cards at home (poker, etc) owns the Minor Arcana of a tarot deck. These cards cannot cast spells, cannot put curses on others, cannot do anything.

    I have several decks, and some are rather beautiful. I don’t base my daily actions because of how the cards fall, and I doubt that I will burn in hell.

  • NightLark says:

    As with everything else is ignorance and fear of the unknown.

  • PattyAnn says:

    They are little more than a game. The big deal is when people actually believe they can foretell the future. I don’t complain or whine. I just don’t deal with them or with people who place importance on them.

  • philebus says:

    Tarot is a pack of playing cards created in mid 15th century Italy for the Milanese court. It consists of two parts: a standard pack of Latin suited playing cards (with the suits of cups, coins, swords, and batons) and a fifth suit of picture cards. These extra cards took as their theme a triumph procession, hence their early name of trionfi, meaning Triumph and from which we get our word trump. And that is what they are, a suit of fixed trump cards for a family of card games that continues to be played throughout continental Europe today.

    Contrary to popular myth, the church did not try to suppress tarot – the games were played openly and with great popularity, spreading quickly through the continent all through the Counter-Reformation. If the cards were really seen as heresy, then that simply could not have happened. Of course, some of the images are often taken to be obviously either unchristian or occult – however, to see the error of this, we have to look at the cards in the context of when and where they were created. A good example of this is The Female Pope, a cards often cited as a reason for the Church’s opposition. Yet in Italy of the time (and through to the 19th century) the figure of a Female Pope was well established in Christian art, being used to represent such things as the New Covenant and the Virtue of Faith.

    The standard pack consists of 78 cards, being four regular suits each with 10 pip cards and four court cards, there are then 21 trump cards and an extra card usually known as the Fool, which can be a wild card or the highest trump, depended upon the game played. However, there are a number of variations. Many packs have just 54 cards (which may be further shortened to just 40 cards for some of the games played in Hungary), There are further variations in Sicily and in Bologna. A Florentine pack, called the Minchiate and no longer in use, added trumps to make a total of 91 cards!

    Further variation came about with more recent occult associations. At the end of the 18th century a Parisian occultist, ignorant of their actual origin, published a fanciful account of their coming from ancient Egypt, encoding their lost wisdom and having a use in divination. For about 100 years these ideas were limited to just France, however, at the end of the 19th century, British occultists began to introduce the cards and occult writings to the English speaking world. In the early 20th century, occultists began to produce heavily redesigned packs to better suit their beliefs and fortune tellers. It is designs of this kind that most English speakers associate as being tarot.

    Today’s tarot cards can fall into three groups – the modern French suited packs (these began to appear in Germany at the start of the 18th century and seldom used for anything but the games), the modern occult packs (which adapt and redesign the original suits and images – such as making coins into pentacles), and the traditional packs still used for game play but also by some occultists.

    The traditional tarot is a family of what we call point-trick games (sometimes complex-trick games). This means that like Bridge, Whist, and Spades, cards are won in tricks – but unlike those games, different cards carry different point values and so it is not the number of tricks taken that wins a hand but the number of card points in them. Over nearly 600 years, the games have developed a great deal of variation within and between different countries and so if you wish to know more, you might like to check these sites…

    In the English speaking world, the best known use for tarot cards is for divination (popularly called fortune telling). For this, the tarot reader will deal the cards into a pattern which is called a spread. Each position in the spread is believed to govern some aspect of the question asked. Each card is assigned a range of possible meanings and the tarot reader uses these meanings in conjunction with the position of the cards in the spread to create a narrative answer. You must decide for yourself if you think there is anything to that. Sceptisicm is not without some good grounds though – researchers have studied divination for many years without being able to show that it works and we know that many card readers use such methods as cold reading, and this is where the charges of stupidity come from.

    Most, though not all religions take the position that divination is a sin. As regards Christianity, the position of the Anglican and Catholic chruches is that tarot is a card game and if used as such they don’t object to it – they only object to its use in divination and in an occult context for practicing magic. Of course, because most English speakers only know of the cards in that context, they consider them sinful.

    But as I’ve said, it is not all negativity – the games are probably the best in the world!

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