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Question by seasnake: What is the Christian response to the 10 Commandments being borrowed from Egyptian Pagans?
Before Moses led his people out of Egypt, Egyptian pagans followed a list of 42 Commandments, including all 10 of those given to Moses. Moses spent 40 days and nights before recieving 10 of the 42 commandments Egyptian pagans already had… did setting ten into stone tablets take soo much time that Moses gave up on chiseling the other 32?
thou shalt not steal, and yet God/Moses/Chrisitanity stole all 10 commandments from Egyptions
Christianity… mispelled, sorry

Best answer:

Answer by ???/???
Um… There are actually over 65 Commandments… But most of them were edited out…

Banned From The Bible I

Banned From The Bible II

The Seven Deadly Sins

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Did you know that the common description of hell being a Fiery Pit where you are consumed by flames and the air reeks of brimstone (Sulfur) has nothing at all to do with the Bible?

That the whole common perception of what “Hell” is based on nothing more then a Fiction Writer’s account of the Fiery Pits of the 9 levels of hell in 1320 AD?

Dante’s Devine Comedies?

Before Dante wrote his series of books on what hell is… There was no biblically approved description of what hell would be like and what the punishments would be?

Did you know that there are really 8 Deadly Sins? That the list was changed 200+ years after it was written?

That the original 8 are nothing like the “Official” 7? That the ‘sins’ are not in the bible… At all…

The Original 8 were written by a Christian monk from Constantinople who traveled to Egypt to live alone in a cave and wrote up his list of thoughts that most tormented him in 375 AD? That the list was to be followed by Monks ONLY? That no one paid him any heed until over 200 years later?

The actual, original list of “Thoughts” consisted of:
Vain Glory

Yeah… Sadness… So all of us diagnosed with Depression are really just being lead astray by the devil… Yeah…

The idea that Lust is bad wasn’t even considered until the 4th Century Bishop Epithanious decided to denounce the Gnostic “Cult” known as Carpocrations (Pronounced “Car-Po-Crate-shions”) in 325 ad? They used ALL 60+ books of the Christian Bible as their guide and it is said in the Book of Mary that Jesus said that there is no such thing as sin…

The Bishop wanted to gain a foothold of power in the area so he described the Gnostic “Cult” as starting their worship by disrobing and that the worship ended with a sex act between priest and priestess and ordered that all Gnostic books be burned and that the ‘cult’ be banned?

It wasn’t until 200+ years later, after the fall of the Roman Empire, when the dark ages took hold in 590 AD and the “Official” church wanted iron fisted control over “Official” Christianity that the list was written by the “Reformer Pope” Gregory The Great?

(Who also decided that Holy Men could not marry… Not because Chastity was good but because he didn’t want a priest’s family to be able to inherit Church Property and to consolidate the Church’s base of power? Before it was decided that priests couldn’t merry… They had wives and kids and could have sex…)

Though found no where in the bible… This guy wrote them up and published them and they became part of the Christian Doctrine.

The “Official” 7 Sins written by the “Reformer Pope” Gregory The Great:

Did you also know that just THINKING about these sins means that you have actually committed the act? And that by committing the act, you are sentenced to hell?

Do you even know what the Seven Heavenly Virtues are? What they stand for?

Does ANYONE that believes this stuff actually do their research and understand their own deluded belief structure?
The salvation doctrines of Christianity survived and flourished because they afforded the priesthood considerable power. The priests alone held the keys to salvation and could threaten the unbelievers with eternal punishment. Hence, in the evolution of Christianity in the last two thousand years with priests preying on human fears, the religion has demonstrated extraordinary powers of survival. Even without the priests, the various versions of the Bible have had more influence on the history of the world, in the minds of men than any other literature.

Unfortunately, the beliefs in Scripture produced the most violent actions against man in the history of humanity up to that time. The burning of competing Christian cults (called heretics) by early Christian churches acted as the seeds of violent atrocities against man. There later followed the destruction of Rome by the Christian Goths, and the secret pagan sacrifices consented by the Pope, the Vandals that had the Bible with them as they destroyed imperial North Africa, the crusades in the eleventh century fighting in the lands around the eastern Mediterranean, Palestine and Syria, capturing Jerusalem and setting kingdoms from Anatolia to the Egyptian border. In 1204 the Fourth Crusade plundered Constantinople the most holy city at that time, with Christians fighting Christians. And the slaughters continued (and continues to this day). According to Romer, “More heretics and scholars were burned in the Middle Ages than were ever killed in Carolingian times. For at this time the Inquisition came into its own, and torture, largely unused as an instrument of government since Roman days, was reintroduced.”

In the 1380s, John Wycliffe translated the first English Bible which inspired an English religious revolution which caused persecutions against him by the Catholic Church.

In the early 1500’s the German heretic, Martin Luther, almost single handedly caused the final split from the Roman Catholic church and created the beginnings of the Protestant revolution. This split still influences violence to this day. He translated the Bible into German which further spread Protestantism. Luther also helped spread anti-Semitism with his preaching and books such as his “The Jews and their lies,” all supported through his interpretation of the Bible. One should not forget that Hitler (a Christian and great admirer of Luther) and his holocaust could not have occurred without his influence and the support of Bible believing German Christians.

In the 1530s William Tyndale completed his version of the English Protestant Bible (probably with the aid of Luther) and the first to print the English Bible. He too felt the persecution of the Church and he spent his last days in imprisonment and exile. His enemies finally caught him and burned him at the stake, but because of his celebrity, they strangled him first (what nice guys!).

After Luther’s German Bible, others followed suit by translating the Bible into their native languages including Dutch and French. Not until 1611 C.E. did a committee of translators and interpreters complete the most popular Bible of all time, the King James Version.

Today we still have dozens of Bible translation versions, with Bible scholars still arguing over the meaning and proper translations of words and phrases. The following shows just a few of the most popular versions:

King James Version (KJV)
The New King James Version (NKJV)
Modern King James Version [Green’s Translation] (MKJV)
Literal Translation Version [Green] (LITV)
International Standard Version (ISV)
The New International Version (NIV)
English Standard Version (ESV)
New English Bible (NEB)
American Standard Version (ASV)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Today’s English Version (TEV)
The Living Bible (LB)
New Century Version (NC)
New Life Version (NLV)
New Living Translation (NLT)
Young’s Literal Translation (YLT)
Revised Young’s Literal Translation (RYLT)
John Darby’s New Translation
Weymouth New Testament Translation

(One might wonder what will happen to the “new” revisions a few hundred years from now. Nevertheless, the King James Version still remains the most used Bible in the world today and it will probably continue its popularity long into the future.)

No doubt that future versions of Bibles will surface in the future: revisions of previously revised Bibles and newer revisions of new versions. The history of the many versions of the Bible stories, from the ancient Mesopotamian myths to the varied interpretations, interpolations, and versions of the Bible speaks volumes about the reliability of their interpretations and the alleged “truth” they claim the Bible holds, because it shows that the Bible comes not from supernatural agents but rather from human imagination. We have not one shred of evidence for the supernatural influence on human written works (and mostly from unknown authors), but we do have an abundance of evidence for human recorded beliefs and myths. This shows a marked difference between those of scientific works and those deriving from religious minds. For example, Euclid’s Elements written around 300 B.C.E. has changed little since its inception. Scientists don’t argue and debate about its meaning because they know it doesn’t represent an absolute or fixed work. It only provides a step in the understanding of geometry. Most Christian apologists, on the other hand, view the Bible as fixed and absolute, if only they could only just get the interpretation correct. But regardless of how much they want the Bible to reflect their particular beliefs, they can never dislodge the violence and atrocities described and condoned by their God in the stories in the Old Testament. Nor can they dismiss the even more horrific result of the horrors of Hell as amplified by the words of the alleged Jesus in the New Testament where almost everyone on earth dies in eternal fire. In short, Bible belief influences horror, not by the majority but by the few that actually believe in its macabre

Add your own answer in the comments!

17 Responses to What is the Christian response to the 10 Commandments being borrowed from Egyptian Pagans?

  • crl_hein says:

    Not that I’m doubting you, I’m kind of an extreme Egyptian history buff, but where did you find these 42 commandments? If the Moses story is true he could have only written down what he considered were the most important laws because as you read through the bible more laws are given. For my own records I would be interested in learning what your sources are for these 42 commandments.

    Mythos: I would be interested in finding out what this temple inscription is that portrays a large number of Hebrew slaves fleeing Egypt. I’ve never come across this and to my knowledge ancient Egyptians never recorded history which reflected negatively on them. Part of the reason we can’t find a written record of the 10 plagues (perhaps save one stele, I don’t think it records every plague but some are mentioned if it is authentic)

  • gina says:

    Exodus 31:18

  • Joe P says:

    believing is seeing buddy…. why are you trying to prove something wrong? what’s the point of that? does that make you feel happy inside- trying to disprove God? saying moses just made that stuff up? I hope you realize God doesn’t like that, and you are in for a rude awakening

  • Bookworm, VT JPA says:

    Probably denial. The same denial that they use when confronted with the fact that all of their holidays are pagan or pagan-derived.

  • ketira says:

    Don’t say “Egyptian pagans” — you mean “Ancient Egyptians”. (Otherwise you’re referring to someone like me: a Pagan who honors/follows the ancient Egyptian religion in their own way.)

    ….and if you’re referring to _The Book of the Dead_ , well…. there were more than 50 of such “commandments” that they had to confess before the Scales of Ma’at, where their “hearts” (usually symbolized by a scarab) were weighed against Ma’at’s red Feather. If the heart was equal to that of the Feather, then they went to their version of Heaven. If it was heavier, the soul got eaten by a monster.

    However, you have raised a good point, but it should be worded in a different way. Why *did* Christianity “borrow” ideas from other religions?

  • Mythos says:

    The same as ever- there’s not one iota of credible evidence to back such a claim.

    It’s almost as silly as those who claim there’s no evidence that vast numbers of Hebrew (Habiru) slaves were in Egypt, although an inscription on a temple wall at Karnak clearly indicates otherwise.

  • t_a_m_i_l says:

    Actually, God spoke the Big 10 to Israel initially. They got so scared that they told Moses to go up the mountain & get the commandments from God.

    So? God now speaks to us through His Prophets. The LORD God wrote with His finger the 10 commandments in two tablets of stone.

    Jesus simplified the Big 10. He said to love God with all our being. And to love others as our self. And the rest of the Big 10 would be under these two.
    The first 5 is under the loving God first part.
    The last 6 is loving others second.

  • George A says:

    One would wonder if it mattered whether there were 10 commandments or 10,000 if Man has adhered to any…

  • David C says:

    The Bible teaches us that the finger of God chiseled the 10 commandments, not Moses.

    Since time immemorial social man has established rules to live by so it would not be inimical to Christian thinking that some of these rules would predate the 10 commandments,

    Your second mistake is that christianity stole the 10 commandments. When Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt Jesus had not yet been born so there was no such thing as christianity at the time of the dissemination of the 10 commandments.

    Your third mistake is that you misspelled Egyptians, But more importantly, your attitude is one of animosity toward religion. Where does this hostility come from? What are you going to do about it before Judgment Day?

    Good luck and God bless you.

  • Arwen says:

    Where did the Egyptians get their 42 Commandments from? How did God not know that the Egyptians He created were going to be far more INTELLIGENT and SPIRITUAL than He? Why did God/Moses/Christianity only BORROW them? Are they going to give them back?
    They really should let the Liberal Democrats borrow them before giving them back. Maybe they will learn not to throw live aborted babies in garbage cans.

  • Angel says:

    I highly doubt what you are claiming. The Egyptian did not believe in the God of Moses. The first commandment states that you shall have no other gods before me. Egyptians had many gods. The Israelites had only one God, Why would the Egyptians have a command to worship only one god, when we all know that they had many.

  • Timothy C says:

    Christians response will always be they are right” period.”Never mind unbiased scholarship .If they can’t give good explanation then they will say the devil knew ahead of time and tricked people .This is their #! 1 reason to cop out of true academic rebuttals.I say that they would eternally refute this unless they for once were the ones being “converted.”7-10 are also on King Hammurabi’s Stele’ of Babylonian ancient law 400 years before Moses was born.I believe your source of commandments may be a certain translation of “The Egyptian Book of the Dead.”

  • PARTYMARTY says:

    From what I have heard and studied the Egyptians were a very smart people. They were well advanced in many ways. Just because a law is good and used by others why is that borrowing or looked down on in any way. The God of this universe has our best interest at heart so just because others has the same code in life why is that bad. The true point though God has put this kind of “law” into each one of us at Creation. The morality we have to treat other in a proper way is in our hearts.
    (Genesis 39:7-9) 7 Now after these things it came about that the wife of his master began to raise her eyes toward Joseph and say: “Lie down with me.” 8 But he would refuse and would say to his master’s wife: “Here my master does not know what is with me in the house, and everything he has he has given into my hand. 9 There is no one greater in this house than I am, and he has not withheld from me anything at all except you, because you are his wife. So how could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?”

    This situation came before the Law of Moses yet Joseph knew it was against God’s ways. God gave this Law to Israel because He chose them to be His nation but these laws were taught basically since man was created. Please listen to the word of God rather then trying to degrade it. Soon you will see All the prophecies of the bible fulfilled.

  • barf samson says:

    people lie, now that; is a concept . yes there are many similarities in the Bible with other cultures But it does not mean that it was stolen.there are many enemies of the Bible, why , when read and interpreted correctly it will bring peace to man and all will be able to come together and live in peace. here is a new way of thinking , Joseph in the Bible was a shepperd boy sold into egypt, we know that he made his way up the ranks to be second to Pharaoh, we also see many Egyptian statues depicting a Shepperd staph , think about it

  • mom 2-2 says:

    The ten commandment given to Moses were from and made by God.

  • Hogie says:

    God followed a pattern in giving them a law they were familiar with. The Egyptians were not the only ones, and there are many similarities in points of law. What was unique to the law of Moses was the sabbath command, however.

    It was common to write the basics or core of the agreement between the king and vassals on stone or on large clay tablets for public display, while the rest of the covenant between the ruler and people was kept stored away somewhere for safe keeping.

    I would mention however that the entire covenant covers some 613 laws; many of which are unique to Israel.

    My personal response then, being a Christian is, so what? Christians are not a party to the old covenant anyway.

    Israel became a nation, and like any nation, codified a law, with God dictating the law and writing the core of the law Himself on tablets of stone.

  • Ard-Drui says:


    Khem ( Egypt ) ruled the Levant, so there is no surprise that many Jewish Laws came to them from their Rulers.

    The rest seem to have come from Babylon, the other Rulers of the area.

    “Moses” a name from Khem, did not have to go far to “find” Israel. Of course, we all know he never made it there.

    Or did he?


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