Question by Clear truth: What is the common ideas and activities between current shia and pagans (mushrikeen)?
Todays shia people have many activities common between them and pagans mushrikeen , can any one list them all?
Best answer:
Answer by Bint Al-Fatima
i thought about it and i dont see any.
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sure here:
well Shias belive in 1 God, and pegans also……… hang on, pegans don’t belive in any god.
um, well Shias belive in Mohammad (PBUH) and pegans also…… but no, pegans don’t belive in no prophet.
but you can say Shias pray and also pegans……..pegans don’t pray do they?
nop, sorry, couldn’t find any
Many similarities
One of them is both worship graves and both legalizes prostitution.
they have much in common, going to graves, asking in a indirect way to Allah(swt)!!
pagans never deny Allah ,
they believe in Allah ,But they used to think that we r not vet pious and good one ,so we should approach Allah through some people who were pious.
so different people found their own pious people .to get close to Allah
then by the time past they start worshipping them
by calling them when they were in need,
shias r also doing the same ,
Well I know that Shias go around a rectangular building covered in black. They bow down in its direction five times a day and even kiss a black meteorite when they are close to this building. There also known to follow other pagan practices like sacrificing animals. They shave their hair just like the ancient Egyptian priests did when they went to their temples. They also believe that angels prostrated before Adam.
Their total devotion to the Prophet and his Family also is just too much, even though Quran 42:23 says that Muslims should have love for the Ahl ul Bayt, this is not necessary if it prevents from exercising independent thought. Like the Caliph Umar did, when he declared that the Prophet was unfit and denied the Prophet’s request for pen and paper. Such courage to overrule the Prophet as he knew what was better for the ummah.
It is a shame that Muslim rulers do not have such courage today. Just look at the leaders in Saudi, Egypt, UAE. It is upsetting that only the Shia/Mushrikeen’s leaders like Khamenei (Iran)/Sistani (Iraq)/Nasarullah (Lebanon) have spoken out against Israel. Perhaps speaking out against oppression is also an act of mushrikeen.
dam son! the truth seeker owned this question …hahah
That Allah is not approachable through a common man ,So they go through people who has a high status in Allah’s sight .
Shia, as you know, literally means “follower.” One of your greatest ulema, Firuzabadi, in his Qamusu’l-Lughat, says, “The name ‘Shia’ commonly means every person who is a friend of Ali and his Ahle Bait. This name is peculiar to them.” Exactly the same meaning is given by Ibn Athir in Nihayatu’l-Lughat. According to your own commentaries, the word Shia means “follower of Ali Bin Abu Talib” and was used in this way during the time of the Prophet. In fact, it was the Prophet himself who introduced the word Shia as meaning “follower of Ali Bin Abu Talib.” And this word was used by the Holy Prophet about whom Allah says: “Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that is revealed.” (53:3-4) The Prophet called the followers of Ali “The Shia,” the “delivered,” and the “rescued.”
The Shia Imamiyya group believes in the Ever-Existing Almighty Allah. He is One, in the sense of the absolute oneness of His essential existence. He is One, with none comparable to Him. He is the Creator of everything in existence. There is no match or equal to Him in any respect. The holy prophets and messengers were sent to tell the people about Allah, how to worship Him, and how to know Him. All of the prophets preached and guided the people according to the tenets set forth by the five major prophets: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and last of all, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, whose religion shall last until the Day of Judgement.
Allah Almighty has fixed recompense for our deeds, to be given to us in Paradise or Hell. The day fixed for the recompense of our deeds is called the Day of Judgement. When the world’s life ends, Allah Almighty will re-animate the beings of the world from the beginning to the end. He will let them gather in the Mashar, the place of the gathering of the souls. After a just reckoning, everyone will be given reward or punishment according to his deeds.
These things have been foretold in all divine books: the Torah, Bible, and the Holy Qur’an. For us, the most authentic source of guidance is the Holy Qur’an, which has reached us from the time of the Holy Prophet without any change. We act upon the injunctions contained in the Holy Qur’an, and we hope to be recompensed by Allah. We believe in all those obligatory commandments which are contained in the Holy Qur’an, like Namaz (prayers), Ruza (fasting), Zakat and Khums (yearly religious taxes), Hajj (Pilgrimage to the Ka’ba) and Jihad (holy war).
Similarly, we believe in the Articles of Practice of the faith, including the obligatory and optional practices and all other injunctions that have reached us through the holy Prophet. We are determined to abide by them and to perform them to the best of our capacity. And we refrain from all sins, large or small, like drinking, gambling, fornication, sodomy, usury, murder, tyranny, which have been forbidden in the Holy Qur’an and hadith
We Shias also believe that, just as there is a messenger from Allah who conveys to us orders and injunctions, and who is elected and introduced to us by Allah, there is also a successor, caliph or protector of religion, who is appointed by Allah, and is introduced to us through the Prophet of Allah. Accordingly, all prophets of Allah introduced their successors to their umma (followers). The last of the holy prophets, who was the most perfect and most exalted of all prophets of Allah, left for his followers guides to help the people avoid confusion. According to the established hadith, he introduced to the people his twelve successors, the first: Ali Bin Abi Talib. The last Imam, the Mahdi, who is present in the world but is in occultation, will appear at an unknown time in the future, when he will fill the seething world with justice and peace.
The Shia Imamiyyas also believe that these twelve Imams have been ordained by Allah and have been introduced to us through the last Holy Prophet. The last of the holy Imams has vanished from sight (by divine command), just as other Imams disappeared, during the time of previous prophets, as stated in many books written by your ulema.
This sacred being has been preserved by Allah Almighty so that he may one day fill the world with justice. In short, the Shia believe in all that is contained in the Holy Qur’an and in authentic hadith. I am grateful to Allah that I have adopted these beliefs, not merely in blind imitation of my parents but through logical reasoning and study.